7 Simple Tricks To Clean Hard-to-reach Corners Of The Household

We should always be organized when cleaning the house. If we clean from top to bottom, we prevent dust from staining the areas that have already been cleaned.

7 simple tricks to clean hard-to-reach corners of the household

Keeping the household clean and tidy is not an easy thing. There are always hard-to-reach corners that are very difficult to clean.

Today we want to show you some tricks to make this work easier.

Read on to put this into practice and finally to keep areas in the household  that are difficult to reach clean.

1. Cleaning the walls in the household


Clean the walls every other month with the recommended products. It is advisable to moisten all utensils well with water so that the walls are actually clean.

With water alone you can remove 90% of the dirt and dust.

Attach a damp cloth to a stick or broomstick to get to any hard-to-reach corners of the wall.

2. Plaster from top to bottom

You can use this technique to make cleaning your house easier. Always clean the various  surfaces from top to bottom  to prevent them from being soiled again with the falling dust.

So you are much faster and more effective.

3. Cleaning of filters and ventilation outlets


Filters and ventilation outlets should always be kept clean.

This is where dust and dirt tend to collect, which can escape if there is a draft.  Regular cleaning will prevent dust from spreading around the house.

Special brushes and utensils that can help you clean filters and ventilation outlets are available from the supermarket or drugstore.

4. Carpet cleaning

Carpets should be cleaned with steam at least once a month.

Of course, they also have to be vacuumed every week to avoid dust mites and dust, as they feel particularly comfortable in them.

If you are considering buying a rug, keep in mind that it is not made from synthetic materials.

Natural materials also attract less dust.

5. Wet wipes are very useful

Wet wipes can be of great use for household cleaning.

They make it easier to remove dust from any surface and also help with stains on clothing. You’ll be amazed.

You can also easily clean the screen of your computer or TV with wet wipes. These useful towels should not be missing in any household.

You will see how versatile you can use them.

6. Reach all corners with the vacuum cleaner


A vacuum cleaner is also a must for thorough cleaning. However, the vacuum cleaner does not always reach all corners.

With our simple trick, however, you can certainly also clean the hard-to-reach corners much easier.

All you need is an empty toilet roll. You attach these to the vacuum cleaner in order to get to all corners, where a lot of dust has certainly already accumulated over time.

7. Plant care


Houseplants also need to be cleaned every now and then to prevent dust from building up on the leaves, which could particularly affect respiratory health.

Indoor plants filter the air and ensure good oxygen quality! Spray them regularly with water, because this way you can care for the plants and at the same time ensure good air!

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