7 Enemies Of Your Skin That You Often Ignore

Genetic requirements or unhealthy habits affect the health of the skin. Find out today what you should pay particular attention to in order to protect your skin. 

7 enemies of your skin that you often ignore

The appearance of the skin changes with increasing age. This process can be accelerated by various  enemies of the skin  and come with risks that you can easily prevent. Find out in today’s article how you can protect the health of your skin.

Some people are more sensitive to external factors than others,  but regardless, it’s important for everyone to protect themselves to prevent problems in the short or long term. 

7 enemies of your skin 

We then talk about factors classified as harmful to the skin by the  Academia Española de Dermatología y Venereología (English: Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology). These factors can directly damage the health of the skin or cause it to age prematurely.

Premature skin aging is often triggered by free radicals, so it is important to protect yourself against them! Then learn more about the enemies of your skin.

  1. The sun

Enemies of your skin
Long exposure to the sun is known to damage the skin.

The sun makes life on our planet possible, but its ultraviolet rays damage the skin. We do need a bit of sun every day to synthesize vitamin D, but too much of it causes our skin to age prematurely. 

Tanorexia or tanning addiction is when someone has an exaggerated desire to tan. This can lead to dehydration and thinning of the skin, as well as more serious damage.

Aging from exposure to sunlight is not the worst consequence of harmful radiation. Keratoses can also occur, i.e. changes in the top layer of the skin, which can be recognized, for example, by dark pigment spots and unusual cell growth. A common consequence of this is skin cancer. The more sensitive the skin, the greater the risk of skin damage. 

  1. tobacco

In second place on our list is undoubtedly tobacco, which is known to have many negative effects on the body. The skin also suffers greatly from it. Doctors recognize chronic smokers by their deep, fine and pronounced skin folds and a grayish complexion.

In women, smoking has a particularly negative effect on the skin. The reason for this is that tobacco hampers blood circulation and thus also the oxygen supply. 

  1. alcohol

effects of alcohol

Excess alcohol is detrimental to blood circulation. This can be seen in the general appearance of the skin, similar to what happens with tobacco. In addition to premature skin aging, people who drink alcohol on a daily basis may have pale, dull skin and dark circles.

  1. Enemies of your skin: high-fat foods

In general, fast food and manufactured products are enemies of your skin. Above all, saturated fatty acids provide the body with excess calories that it cannot burn. As a result, lipid metabolism is impaired.

Those who eat high-fat foods every day  can suffer from seborrheic dermatitis or acne, for example. In addition, the outer layers of the skin could become fatty.

People with obesity often suffer from various  skin-related complications. For example, there may be problems with scarring, keratoses or edema.

  1. stress

Your skin's enemies: stress and insomnia
Stress and hectic rush are expressed through various body symptoms. They can cause eczema or dermatitis, among other things. 

In many cases, stress leads to emotional vulnerability, sadness, or anger. However, it can also manifest itself through physical symptoms, so relaxing activities like swimming or yoga are very helpful.

The skin also suffers from stress. Frequent consequences are allergies, dermatitis or even rosacea or psoriasis. So don’t forget that hectic and stress are enemies of your skin over a longer period of time!

  1. environmental pollution

We are often unaware of this, but pollution also has a negative impact on skin health. Not only does it suffer in heavily polluted industrial areas, dust or pesticides used in agriculture also have negative effects on the skin. Often this leads to clogged pores, which in turn can lead to acne. However, there are also more serious consequences.

  1. Enemies of your skin: sudden changes in weight 

Enemies of your skin: sudden changes in weight 
Don’t forget that your diet is also reflected in the health of your skin! 

As you gain weight, the skin stretches, which can cause the fibers of the skin to tear. In addition, there is the premature aging of the skin and often permanent slackening.

As you can see, it is relatively easy to avoid the aforementioned enemies of your skin. Protect yourself from the sun, eat healthy, avoid tobacco and alcohol, and lead a healthy lifestyle. You will generally benefit greatly from this.

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