Raised Cholesterol Levels In Women – What To Do?

Red fruits are rich in antioxidants and help reduce blood sugar levels. They also contain anthocyanins, which regulate cholesterol levels.

Elevated Cholesterol In Women - What To Do?

The cholesterol levels in women and men are different, mainly because it is influenced by hormonal changes and is therefore increased during pregnancy and also during menopause.

It is good to know the causes of high cholesterol and also how to lower it naturally. So read this article!

As you probably already know, cholesterol is a type of fat that occurs naturally in our body and is needed for various vital functions. Cholesterol is related to hormone production and also to vitamin D and bile.

In order for these substances to be transported by the blood, some fatty proteins are required. LDL and HDL. When these fatty proteins are not available in the right amount, an obvious threat to health arises.

Reasons for high cholesterol in women


Pre-menopausal cholesterol

The risk of high cholesterol before menopause is due to a number of factors.

Most of the time it happens before the age of 50. Then special medication and a change in diet are necessary. Here we show you the possible reasons:

  • Pregnancy:  During pregnancy, levels of estrogen and other hormones rise as the placenta needs to develop. Cholesterol levels also rise automatically. In addition, changes in anabolic processes are also produced, which also lead to more cholesterol. Make sure to follow a few rules and then ask your doctor for advice as well.
  • Use of contraceptives (pill) : Many contraceptive pills contain estrogen and progestin. As already mentioned, these hormones also cause triglyceride and cholesterol levels to rise and therefore there is a change in both HDL and LDL.
  • Hipothyroidism:  Recently published studies have shown that low levels of thyroid hormones are produced in hypothyroidism. This also slows down the body’s metabolism. This in turn increases blood cholesterol, because too little thyroid hormones limit the capacity of the liver to process the blood.
  • Insufficient kidney activity : if one or both of our kidneys are not working well, then the fats accumulate in the blood because they cannot be processed properly. All of this causes the blood cholesterol level to rise too.
  • Obesity:  This is the most common reason. The accumulation of fat quickly changes HDL and LDL levels. When the cholesterol level is increased, fat builds up in the veins and the arteries become progressively hardened.

Cholesterol in menopause

  • There is always an increase in cholesterol levels during menopause . In some cases, we despair without actually knowing why we have elevated levels despite a healthy diet and lifestyle. Why is this happening? All of this is due to an imbalance in estrogen during menopause. Take note of this and discuss it with your doctor. Sometimes hormone therapy is necessary to get the values ​​under control again.

How can cholesterol be reduced in women?

The power of red fruits and blue berries

  • Watermelon, pomegranate, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, plums etc. .. All of these red or blue fruits help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels and protect the heart.
  • In women, these fruits also have the advantage that they can be used to predict a urinary infection, for example. They also contain a lot of antioxidants and are of great benefit to general health.
  • All of these fruits also contain anthocyanins, a substance that specifically reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Eat these fruits at breakfast in the morning or make yourself a juice. These fruits are also very tasty in combination with oat flakes. They are considered to be miracle cures for women’s health.

Rules for a healthy and balanced diet

  • Avoid industrially produced foods, fats, foods with additives, dairy products, red meat and salted goods etc …
  • Increase your consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oats, kernels as well as seeds, nuts and tofu.
  • Always use olive oil.
  • Bake your food whenever you can, then avoid fried foods.
  • Do some exercise! It is enough if you walk for 40 minutes a day.

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