Bronchitis: Effective Natural Remedies

With the right treatment, the symptoms can usually be relieved quickly. You can also use it to prevent more serious lung disease.

Bronchitis: effective natural remedies

Bronchitis is inflammation of the lower airways, especially the small and large bronchi. With the right treatment, the symptoms can usually be relieved quickly. You can also use it to prevent more serious lung disease.

In this post we introduce you to various natural remedies for bronchitis .

Healthy diet against bronchitis

It is important to pay attention to your diet, especially during bronchitis, as there are foods that promote inflammation and mucus formation.

In particular, avoid the following foods:

  • Refined sugar
  • Bread (replace it with rusks)
  • Dairy products

Recommended foods:

  • Fruits (grapefruit, lemon, orange, kiwi)
  • Vegetables, purees and broths (especially from garlic, onions, leeks, cabbage, celery)
  • Whole grains (whole grain rice, quinoa, millet …)

    The following foods have medicinal effects and should not be missing in your diet:

    • Cayenne pepper: Season your meals with a pinch of cayenne pepper to stimulate your blood circulation, open the bronchi and promote detoxification.
    • Propolis and honey: These bee products have antibiotic properties and strengthen the immune system.
    • Grapefruit seed extract:  5 to 7 drops diluted in a glass of water are excellent against viral diseases.
    • Vitamin C: You can take a dietary supplement or simply eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Medicinal herbs for bronchitis

    Make herbal tea every day to relieve the discomfort. The following medicinal plants are particularly suitable:

    • Ribwort plantain
    • Cat’s claw
    • fennel
    • mallow
    • elder
    • mint
    • Camomile tea
    • jaw
    • ivy
    • eucalyptus
    • myrtle
    • violet
    • anise

    You can also make a facial steam bath with cajeput, eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary, or savory.

    • Just bring the water to a boil, add the chosen herb and then inhale the water vapor. Put a towel over your head to keep the steam from escaping. However, be careful not to burn yourself!
    • You can do this treatment several times a day if necessary.

    Another tip: Use the plants mentioned in the form of essential oils. Mix 5 drops of an essential oil with 30 ml of almond, olive or sesame oil and massage the neck and throat area with it.

    You can also use an aroma diffuser to scent and humidify the room.

    Envelope with healing clay for bronchitis

    This method can also be very effective against bronchitis. It is an old home remedy that is easy to prepare and very effective.

    • Healing earth envelope:  Mix healing earth with hot water until a viscous paste is formed. Then add four to five drops of essential oil of your choice (e.g. thyme, eucalyptus, and oregano). Then apply this paste to your chest and back while it’s still warm. If necessary, repeat this treatment every six hours.
    • There is also special clay for consumption. Get advice from a health food store or pharmacy. This clay is mixed with water (use a wooden spoon!) And taken daily.

    Heat treatments for bronchitis

    With bronchitis, there is often a temperature imbalance in the body:  the neck is hot, the feet are cold. In this case, the following treatments are recommended:

    • Dry brushing:  Use a brush to brush your dry skin, especially your legs. You can use it to stimulate blood circulation.
    • Ginger oil or ointment: This warming ointment will do you good too.
    • We also recommend a warm foot bath with a little baking soda. You can enjoy this for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day.

    Foot bath for bronchitis

    Psychosomatic complaints

    Bronchitis can also be related to emotional problems that are repressed and make us sad. This should not be forgotten, especially in the case of recurring bronchitis.

    In this case, we recommend consulting a therapist or homeopath. Bach flowers or other techniques can also help with emotional problems. Don’t forget  to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. Tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy foods are taboo in this case. 

    Images courtesy of ADAM Clinic and Intercontinental Hong Kong Stefanvds

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