Home Remedies For Fat And Water Retention On The Stomach

Ginger helps burn fat because it activates the metabolism. At the same time, this root has a filling effect. Cinnamon increases the body temperature and therefore has the same effects.

Home remedies for fat and water retention on the stomach

Many people struggle  with fat and water retention on the stomach. Small  pockets of fat on the stomach are  quite normal – but this is often a problem area, especially for women, as excess fat and fluids are often deposited on the stomach.

In this post we will introduce you to a simple home remedy for fat and water retention on the stomach. Just read on to learn more about it. 

Simple remedy for fat and water retention

An infusion drink can help with excess fat and water retention

Reduce fluids and belly fat at the same time?

This is possible with this means. However, it is not a miracle cure, but a simple home remedy made from medicinal plants. Plus, it is healthy and effective when consumed on a daily basis. Often the simplest remedies achieve the best results – also against fat and water retention on the stomach.

The home remedy contains the following medicinal herbs:

  • Dandelion: One of the most effective plants for reducing fat. Even experts agree that the dandelion root makes you slim. You can find dandelions in health food stores or you can collect them yourself. This plant not only detoxifies the liver and kidneys, it also promotes urine production. It also relieves inflammation in the abdomen, regulates blood sugar levels and strengthens the immune system.
  • Fresh, chopped ginger: You probably already know that ginger has a cleansing effect and inhibits inflammation. In addition, according to research by the University of Maastricht, ginger can accelerate the metabolism and thus contribute to fat burning. Ginger is also very filling. It is therefore ideal for a healthy start to the day.
  • Cinnamon:  Cinnamon is also a perfect fat burner and therefore helps wonderfully with weight loss. Cinnamon also tastes very good and can be used in a variety of ways. The delicious spice also helps to lower blood sugar levels. In addition, it increases body temperature, which leads to various chemical reactions. This speeds up the body’s metabolism. Calories can easily be broken down by generating heat.
  • Mint:  Its medicinal properties are very good at reducing fat. The mint stimulates the stomach, which stimulates the digestive metabolism and burns fat. Mint also improves gallbladder function by increasing the production of bile.

1. Which ingredients are needed for the home remedy for belly fat and excess water?

A drink with mint and ginger can help against fat and water retention on the stomach

You need the following ingredients for this:

  • 1 tbsp dandelion root
  • 1 tbsp freshly grated ginger
  • a small piece of a cinnamon stick
  • 5 mint leaves
  • 1 1/2 glasses of water
  • 2 tbsp honey

    2. How is it prepared and taken?

    Home remedies can help you get a flat stomach

    Very easily. Ideally, you drink the drink  three times a day, three days a week.  Remember, the drink should be warm, but never too hot or too cold.

    In the morning you drink the tea as breakfast (alone!) On an empty stomach. It is important that all of the ingredients are fresh. They’re usually easy to find in stores and they’re inexpensive too. Make sure to use the root of the dandelion, as this has the best properties for losing weight and thus helps against fat and water retention on the stomach.

    Have the second drink  after lunch to aid digestion and improve nutrient absorption. You then drink the last cup before going  to bed: the mixture of honey, mint and ginger ensures a restful sleep at the same time. In addition, the drink not only helps to break down fat, it also has a strengthening and digestive effect.

    The preparation is very simple:

    • Mix all the ingredients with the water and bring it to a boil.
    • Then let the tea steep for 10 minutes.
    • Then pour the tea into a water bottle.

    Of course, you should also make sure you eat an adequate, balanced diet, free from harmful fats. Don’t forget to do some exercise every day. It is enough to run a little faster for half an hour. It’s even more fun with a friend.

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