Health Benefits Of Magnesium

Magnesium is a very important mineral and deficiency symptoms can be very unpleasant.

Health Benefits of Magnesium

Today’s post is about the health benefits of magnesium.

Doctor Yasmin explains how the same result was achieved in three different patients with the same magnesium treatment.

One of the patients had painful muscle cramps, another patient had prolonged migraines, and another had dangerous arrhythmias.

She discovered magnesium deficiencies in all of them, and surprisingly all three patients were cured after they were given magnesium and the deficiency was corrected.

The “miracle cure”

As the doctor tells us, Robert, an adult patient, came into the practice limping. He had severe muscle pain in both legs. He suffered from severe cramps at night, which greatly impaired sleep.

He was immediately given an infusion of magnesium to relax his muscles. After an hour the pain was gone. The problem was solved with the daily intake of a magnesium supplement.

Robert’s fall seemed a miracle. This explains why magnesium can be seen as a miracle cure. Magnesium deficiency can cause our health to deteriorate to such an extent that simply taking the correct dose can be like taking a breath after taking a long breath.

To understand this, we should consider that magnesium is one of the most important elements in our organism.

The explanation is simple and understandable: After calcium, phosphorus and potassium, magnesium is the most abundant element in our body, so it should be well supplied with this ensemble in order to achieve long-term health.

Magnesium, an important component

Magnesium is not only a component of the bones, but also of the muscles, blood and other tissues in our body. We need magnesium to produce energy and to process proteins and fats, to exercise our muscles, and to metabolize calcium.

Although not much is published about it, statistics tell us that 75% of the population are deficient in magnesium, although, as explained below, it is an extremely important element of our health.

Magnesium, comparable to vitamin D, is multifunctional and indispensable for our organism. For this reason, magnesium deficiency can also cause various consequences.

How can magnesium deficiency be prevented?

The US Department of Agriculture believes that two out of three people do not get enough magnesium in their diets for good health.

The daily requirement of an adult is between 300 and 420 mg per day. In addition, stress, genetic predisposition, illness or the use of drugs have a considerable influence on this deficiency.

Treatments with diuretics, treatments for high blood pressure or similar diseases play an important role.

Optimal magnesium levels can reduce muscle cramps or high blood sugar levels, prevent heart disease, strengthen bones and joints, and delay the aging process by preventing Parkinson’s, arthritis and osteoarthritis or other age-related diseases.

How can one improve the  health benefits of magnesium in the body?

Vegetable stand

One of the easiest solutions to fully reap the health benefits of magnesium is to eat a diet rich in magnesium. Magnesium is an important component for photosynthesis in plants.

This means that the higher the proportion of green leaves (chlorophyll) in a plant, the higher the proportion of magnesium.

The leafy green of a plant can be compared to our blood flow, so instead of iron, a plant transports magnesium, which helps conserve solar energy.

Leafy vegetables or cauliflower, runner beans, nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and almonds are high in magnesium.

Avocados are not only high in magnesium, they also contain valuable fats. Ingesting vegetable juices would not only be a pleasure, it would also give us a good dose of magnesium.

Additional intake of magnesium

A daily intake of half a teaspoon of magnesium chloride dissolved in a glass of water half an hour before breakfast and / or before going to bed would meet our needs, regardless of how we eat.

An indication of whether the body is receiving enough magnesium can be determined by whether there is a balance of bowel movements.

Products rich in magnesium

Many people can only keep their values ​​in the positive limit range through a balanced diet. It has already been pointed out that leafy vegetables are rich in magnesium.

But that’s not the only factor. There are also other factors, such as the soil where they are cultivated.

Organic cultivation favors a high proportion of magnesium, as the fertilizers used have a positive effect on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

In addition, the environment and the water quality influence the magnesium concentration. The magnesium content in various foods can be found below (1 mg per 100 gr):

Whole grain rice bran – 781 mg
agar – 770 mg
freeze-dried spring onions – 640 mg
dried coriander leaves – 694 mg
dried pumpkin seeds – 535 mg
cocoa powder (without sugar) – 500 mg
basil (dried) – 422 mg
flaxseed – 392 mg
caraway seeds (ground) – 366 mg
Brazil nut – 376 mg

Nut basket

Other products rich in magnesium are: parsley (freeze-dried), sesame flour, almond butter, cashew, whey, dried banana, millet, leek (freeze-dried), fresh salmon, onion leaves (dried), etc.

Magnesium supplements to benefit from the health benefits of magnesium

There are several forms of administration on the market: magnesium chloride, magnesium carbonate and magnesium citrate are the most popular forms. They also promote digestion as they have a slight laxative effect.

In the event that bioavailability is to be achieved, magnesium glycinate is appropriate, as glycine is an amino acid that facilitates absorption.

Ingesting magnesium also helps process other minerals, such as calcium, much better. In order to ensure a positive effect on our health, it is advisable to take calcium and magnesium in parallel.

It is noteworthy that with the magnesium the cells not only absorb the calcium better, but can also strengthen their functions.

This exchange stabilizes high blood pressure and prevents chest tightness and cardiac arrhythmias. Magnesium is also often given in conjunction with vitamin K2 and vitamin D because they complement each other very well.

How is magnesium deficiency recognized?

Only 1% of the magnesium in the body is in the blood, so it is very difficult to tell if there is a magnesium deficiency from a blood test.

A urine sample or sublingual blood draw is also not informative. In fact, no laboratory sample is sufficient because the magnesium is distributed throughout the body. What now?

Symptoms can help clarify. The first symptoms to look out for are: loss of appetite, headache, sluggishness, weakness, nausea, and vomiting.

Pay attention to symptoms

If these are ignored or the diagnosis is not correct, the symptoms could worsen and the magnesium levels could fall further: paralysis, discomfort, change in character, arrhythmia, cramps, muscle spasms, etc.

Woman shows pain

If the patient is already suffering from another illness, it is normal that the body needs a higher proportion of magnesium. The following diseases can increase the magnesium requirement:

  • A digestive tract that does not absorb magnesium well.
  • Increased alcohol consumption decreases magnesium intake.
  • Kidney disease increases the loss of magnesium in the urine.
  • Diabetes also increases the loss of magnesium in the urine.
  • Magnesium intake decreases in older people.
  • Taking antibiotics or diuretics, or cancer treatments.

Scientific research on magnesium

There are several scientific studies around the world that prove the experience on this subject. We’d like to mention a few of them to provide a better basis for our reasoning:



Man jumping in the air

The health benefits of  magnesium also include an additional strengthening of the muscles. Namely, it increases the activity of cells, especially muscles.

The influence of magnesium on the muscles was studied at the University of Palermo. It was found that older people with elevated magnesium levels had above-average levels of energy and muscle strength in all limbs compared to people with magnesium deficiency.


As for the skeleton, another study from Yale University found that puberty girls who were given magnesium supplements twice a day developed stronger bones than girls of the same age who did not consume magnesium.


Several studies have found that magnesium has an effect on muscle relaxation. Tension in the neck, back and shoulders that resulted from stressful situations disappeared.

Its function as a muscle relaxant has been tried and tested. You have to consider that magnesium contributes to mental relaxation, as it has an influence on the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is important for relaxation.


Magnesium also has a positive effect on the heart, it relaxes the vessel or arterial walls and blood capillaries, which lowers blood pressure.

Magnesium is even used with sulfate to avoid cardiac risks from arrhythmias or palpitations during a hospital stay.

Doctors at Harvard Medical University affirm that adequate levels of magnesium greatly reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death as it affects the heart muscles, reducing the frequency of cardiac arrest risk by 75%.

Broken heart


Magnesium deficiency in type II diabetes patients is very common. For this reason, German scientists carried out a study on obesity and pre-diabetes earlier this year.

Those who took magnesium had lower blood sugar levels, higher insulin tolerance, and lower blood pressure.


British doctors used magnesium sulfate by intravenous infusion to relieve neuralgia and severe pain after herpes zoster. In less than half an hour, the pain was almost gone.

Further studies showed that magnesium sulfate can be used for pain relief from metastases and their treatment.

Magnesium sulfate also has a positive effect on headaches and migraines. Magnesium also has a satisfactory effect on headaches in conjunction with 5-HT receptors and other chemicals.


Magnesium also helps with asthmatic attacks. Medical studies in Brazil with magnesium glycide showed that the bronchial reaction can be reduced to a high degree.

Magnesium glycide promotes absorption and thus causes a reduction in asthma attacks due to cold air and allergy triggers.


Magnesium helps slow down the aging process.

The telomeres of the chromosomes have an extreme influence on aging. The use of magnesium has a positive effect on slowing down aging.


Scientist in the laboratory

An article that has appeared in GreenMedInfo describes a study in which American scientists found more than 3,700 starting points in which the effects of magnesium on the human body and its health are of great importance.

Magnesium is present in at least 300 enzymes in the body which, among other things, have the following functions:

  • ATP formation (energy molecules).
  • Formation and growth of the skeleton and teeth.
  • Relaxation of the vessel walls, arteries and blood capillaries.
  • Contraction and relaxation of the heart.
  • Digestive tract activity.
  • Blood sugar balance.


    Some time ago, a large number of scientific studies showed that magnesium regulates blood pressure and thus heart attacks, cardiac arrests and strokes can be avoided.

    When it comes to strokes, this American nutrition study tested 240,000 people and proved that consuming products containing magnesia radically prevents stroke. But the benefits are far greater than we can imagine.

    In the above scientific research , more than 100 health benefits have been discovered that can be achieved by maintaining optimal magnesium levels.

    These include, for example, fibromyalgia, type II diabetes, premenstrual syndrome (including the various symptoms), atrial fibrillation, migraines, cardiovascular diseases, cell oxidation and bone or articulation diseases.

    Magnesium is important to us

    These studies show that the human genome has more than 100,000 different protein structures and that – depending on the amount of magnesium in our body – the ratio and behavior of the proteins can directly influence the health of the body, in a positive or negative way.

    It also highlights the role of magnesium as a depurative in the body. It helps the disintoxication of chemical substances, heavy metals and other toxins that we ingest or produce.

    As an example we have glutathione, which is considered to be the most effective and powerful antioxidant in our body, but which at the same time requires magnesium to perform its function.

    Pictures by Alf, Victor, Arquepoética, Laura and Monitor

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