Facial Care With Aloe Vera

You can make your own facial care with aloe vera with just a few ingredients. Without any synthetic additives!

Facial care with aloe vera

Facial care with aloe vera is a classic in natural cosmetics  . Although there are now good facial care products with aloe vera , it is worth making them yourself. It is ideal if you already have a plant from which you can take leaves for facial care with aloe vera.

Benefits of facial care with aloe vera

You don’t have to use expensive perfumery face masks to moisturize your skin, because with a simple facial with aloe vera you can naturally care for and moisturize your skin.

The better your skin is moisturized, the plumper and wrinkle-free it looks. There are of course many creams, tinctures and serums that provide your skin with moisture, but you can also take care of your skin with herbal remedies.

The skin loses moisture and can only store it poorly with increasing age. It feels dry, tense and, in addition to the deeper indented wrinkles, there are also small wrinkles caused by dryness.

The skin is thirsty. The cosmetics industry of course has some remedies and helpers ready, but Mother Nature has also taken care of this and has some plants for you, such as aloe vera for facial care .

Facial care with aloe vera

Benefits of aloe vera

Aloe Vera is known for its excellent nourishing effects and healing properties on the skin. You should either have an aloe vera plant on the windowsill or a pure (!) Aloe vera gel at hand, because aloe vera can be used in many ways in skin care:

Basically, it donates an incredible amount of moisture. Their nourishing ingredients also ensure that wounds or other skin injuries or skin irritations such as sunburns heal faster. The aloe vera also serves as a moisturizer.

If you own an aloe vera in the garden, winter garden or on the balcony, you can make a great moisturizing mask yourself. To do this, cut off a piece of the thick-fleshed leaf and carefully peel off the hard, green outer skin. The resulting light green jelly-like core is the part of the aloe vera that contains the active ingredients that your skin is waiting for.

Recipes for facial care with aloe vera

If your facial care with aloe vera is to be richer and not only provide moisture, but also fat, there are various care masks that complement your facial care with aloe vera in a pampering way. Try out which recipe suits you best!

Facial care with aloe vera and honey

Honey oil mask with aloe vera

You only need three ingredients for this nourishing face mask: the pure gel of the aloe vera plant (please without alcohol and directly from the leaf), some honey and a skin-caring oil of your choice. We recommend sesame or jojoba oil:

  • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel
  • 1 teaspoon of oil
  • 1 teaspoon honey

The ingredients are quite difficult to mix, so it’s best to have a blender available or a blender that uses the three ingredients to create a milky emulsion at high speed .

Apply the facial care mixture with aloe vera thickly to the skin and widen your face down to the cleavage so that the skin there can also benefit from the care. After about 30 minutes of exposure, wash off with clear water. Please without soap or other degreasing substances!

If you want to soothe the skin a little more in addition to the facial care with aloe vera, you can add a few drops of chamomile extract.

Facial care with aloe vera

Day lotion with aloe vera

With just two ingredients you can make a light facial care daily lotion with aloe vera. Please put this face lotion in the refrigerator or make it in small portions that you will use right away, for example to provide your cleavage with oil and moisture. You each need equal parts

  • pure aloe vera gel
  • almond oil

Emulsify the two ingredients by stirring vigorously with a fork or whisk to create a whitish, milky lotion. Apply this thinly to the skin of your face. It is very suitable as a daily facial with aloe vera instead of your usual face cream.

This mixture is also very suitable for removing make-up: simply put it on a cotton pad or cotton ball and gently remove the make-up.

As you can see, you don’t need any expensive products with synthetic ingredients or those made from mineral oil. It is very easy to make facial care with aloe vera from just a few ingredients!

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