5 Uses Of Baking Soda In Medicine

Soda is mainly used in the kitchen, but can also be used successfully to alleviate various physical complaints.

5 uses of baking soda in medicine

Baking soda helps remove acid from food, is useful for cooking legumes, and is also used in baking. However, other uses of baking soda can also be useful to alleviate minor everyday physical ailments.

Find out what baking soda can do for your health!

Warning: baking soda is not soda!

Soda is 100% sodium bicarbonate and is called colloquially baking soda, should never be confused with “soda” itself, that’s dangerous !

Soda is available in stores under the names “Kaiser Natron”, “Bullrich Salt” or “Food Atron”. The term “Speisesoda” is also used out of date, indicating that it was used to make fizzy lemonades, also known as “Soda”.

“Soda” is also a white powder, but it should never be ingested! It is used to do laundry, it is contained in your dishwasher tablets and in many highly degreasing household cleaners.

So please make sure that you don’t confuse “baking soda” (= baking soda) with “washing soda”! Washing soda can cause serious health risks if swallowed!

Applications with baking soda

Uses of baking soda

There are now books on the market that advertise sodium hydrogen carbonate as an all-rounder that can even cure cancer!

The daily consumption of a pinch up to a spoonful of the white powder is recommended, but this should be viewed critically, because the body usually has good self-regulation in order to be able to regulate its acid-base balance in a healthy way without external intervention.

As already mentioned, you can use baking soda not only in the kitchen, but also in medicine.

However, do not use it permanently and only when the occasion arises and only in moderation. In the following we would like to list some uses of baking soda and explain where you can use this powder as a cheap and simple means in naturopathy:

Against heartburn and indigestion

Soda neutralizes acid and can thus reduce the acidity of the stomach, the heartburn so decreases.

Grandma’s “Bullrich Salt” is nothing more than baking soda. Even with belching and acid-induced indigestion soda helps.

Take dissolved in water. Please do not use the treatment as a long-term medication, heartburn and other acid-related digestive problems have a cause that should be resolved.

Uses with baking soda for good health

Against itching from insect bites

Mix it with a drop of water as a paste on the itchy bite. This takes away the itching and additionally cools the affected skin area.

If you use a drop of tea tree oil instead of water, you combine its disinfecting effect and prevent inflammation.

Uses of baking soda for sore throats

Against a sore throat

If you have a sore throat, a gargle solution made from baking soda can help. The  baking soda solution changes the pH of your mucous membranes in the affected area and makes life difficult for the bacteria.

The gargle solution doesn’t taste good, but what medicine does that? Alternatively, you can add a little more eucalyptus essential oil.

Uses of baking soda against bad breath

Against bad breath

Soda also helps against bad breath: simply dip a damp toothbrush in baking soda so that you brush your tongue vigorously and then rinse your mouth with baking soda.

Ideal as a daily ritual after you have already brushed your teeth with baking soda instead of toothpaste. If the taste bothers you: Dip a wet toothbrush in baking soda and then drizzle a drop of peppermint essential oil on it. Not more than a drop!

Here, too, the effect is based on the pH value changed by sodium hydrogen carbonate, which makes it difficult for odor-causing bacteria to feel comfortable in your mouth.

Nonetheless, there is a reason for bad breath that you should investigate to get rid of the cause, not the symptom!

Applications with baking soda for the teeth

Instead of toothpaste

Simply dip the damp toothbrush in baking soda and use it to brush your teeth. Sodium hydrogen carbonate regulates the acids in the oral cavity, which are also responsible for tooth decay.

By the way, this toothpaste powder is great when traveling because nothing can leak and it is not a liquid. It is ideal for brushing your teeth, for example, if you only fly with hand luggage, in which, as is well known, you are only allowed to carry very small amounts of liquid.

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