8 Interesting Facts About Common Diseases

These interesting facts about some common diseases will surely surprise you. Because you’ve probably never heard of it before!

8 interesting facts about common diseases

The human body and mind still hold innumerable secrets that science has not yet been able to decipher and solve. Nevertheless , over the years, scientists managed to find some very interesting facts about various common diseases.

In today’s article we want to tell you more about these discoveries. We are convinced that one or the other fact will leave you speechless! Are you curious?

Then let’s take a look at these extraordinary facts about various common diseases .

Interesting facts about common diseases

1. When you turn 75, you have had at least 150 colds in your life

Common diseases common cold
Practically everyone gets between 2 and 5 colds a year.

Various studies have concluded that each of us usually has two to five colds a year. For example, if you take the current life expectancy in Spain (83 years) as a basis, then every Spaniard will have had at least 166 colds in their life!

2. There is not only one cold virus

Of course not! In fact, there are more than 200 viruses that can cause the common cold. For this reason, the human body cannot develop resistance to this disease. The most common viruses that cause colds include rhinoviruses and coronaviruses.

3. Children can have up to 12 colds a year

If you have children, you can surely attest to this. How often did your child catch a cold, then recover for two days and then come back from school and have a cold nose again?

4. A quarter of people with colds have no symptoms whatsoever

We all know the symptoms of a cold. This is because it is one of the most common widespread diseases.

However, not everyone knows that some people can be infected with cold viruses without having a cough, runny nose or sneezing fits.

5. When you sneeze, this sneeze can travel up to 60 kilometers per hour!

Common disease runny nose
A sneeze is as fast as a greyhound moves!

In fact, it is not easy to measure the speed of a sneeze, but specialists have calculated this value. So that you can imagine it better, here is a comparison: 60 kilometers per hour is the speed at which a greyhound runs!

In some cases this speed can even be exceeded and the droplets of saliva can fly up to five meters!

6. The viruses that cause common diseases can survive on different surfaces

When you sneeze, you are spreading the virus around you. However, this virus can survive on different surfaces. For example, flu viruses can survive for up to 24 hours and cold viruses for up to seven days!

Now you can understand why it is so important to cover your mouth with your elbow when you sneeze! Because in this way you prevent you from infecting other people as well.

7. Common diseases: The flu is constantly developing

Common diseases child with flu
New strains of flu appear every year.

The flu is one of the most common diseases that people get sick with in their lifetime. You probably know that there are three classes of influenza: A (this is the most virulent and it affects humans and birds), B (this is the most common and it affects only humans), and C (this is less common and it affects humans and birds) Animals).

However , new strains of flu appear every year. Therefore a vaccination cannot protect you in every case and it could happen that you get the flu despite the vaccination. Nevertheless, these vaccinations are particularly recommended for high-risk patients.

8. Common diseases: In the last century there have been various influenza epidemics

Nowadays, the flu is one of the widespread diseases that most people do not pay too much attention to. But as you have seen, it is very easy to spread these viruses through saliva. In addition, the flu can lead to complications such as pneumonia.

  • The Spanish flu was rampant from 1918 to 1919 and affected 40% of the world’s population. In fact, it claimed an estimated 50 million lives worldwide. Another interesting fact concerns the name of this flu epidemic. Although it is known as the Spanish flu, it did not originate in Spain but in the United States.
  • The Asian flu originated in China in 1957 due to the mutation of a virus that has been transmitted from wild ducks in combination with a human strain.
  • The Hong Kong flu caused approximately one million deaths. Technological advances made it possible to develop a vaccine that could prevent further loss of life.
  • The 1976 swine flu killed more than 12,000 people and caused panic among the population as the virus resembled that of the great 1918 epidemic.
  • The bird flu broke out in Hong Kong for the first time 1,997th The virus was identified as H5N1 and could then be checked. However, it reappeared in Asia and Europe in 2003.

As you can see, there are many facts that you probably did not know yet, although you basically know what to do about these common diseases. We hope that we could surprise you with some interesting facts!

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