Effective Treatments For Insomnia

Put a few eucalyptus leaves, orange blossoms or some chamomile in your pillow. The scent of these plants has a relaxing effect, so you will fall asleep faster.

Effective treatments for sleep disorders

Insomnia is common in today’s society. Many sufferers suffer from the consequences of these complaints on a daily basis. These include difficulty falling asleep and waking up early in the morning or at night. There are remedies  for insomnia.

Natural remedies for sleep disorders

Sleep disorders are the cause of many problems: dark circles, exhaustion, headaches and irritability.

Symptoms also include a lack of concentration, problems driving a car or making conversations, a lack of energy, muscle pain and poor performance at work or in studies. Some popular remedies for insomnia include:

  • Wrap your feet in a warm towel or put on a pair of extra socks to sleep, as cold feet can often disrupt the process of falling asleep.
  • Then rub or massage your feet, especially your toes, with almond oil before you go to bed.

  • Drink a lukewarm cup of milk with cinnamon or honey before you go to sleep. Relax as you do this and then increase the effect.
  • Boil a cup of water with two grams of orange leaves, sweeten this infusion as desired and then drink it lukewarm. Orange blossom tea is also highly recommended. Add two grams of orange blossom to a cup of water and then let it steep. Then drink the tea half an hour before going to bed.
  • Put soothing plants such as chamomile, eucalyptus, and orange blossom inside the pillow against insomnia. This is how the room smells and you can relax and then sleep.


    Other means

    • Make yourself a mint tea, then drink it before bed.
    • Boil a cup of water with two tablespoons of valerian root for five minutes. Then, sweeten the tea with a tablespoon of honey and drink it just before bed.
    • Boil a cup of water with three lettuce leaves. Cover the pot and then let the infusion cool down. Drink it half an hour before bed.
    • Grate and cook two onions for twelve minutes, then add St. John’s wort. Wet a cloth with this liquid and then use it to wet your forehead, chest, throat, or neck. Repeat this every night for a week.

    Insomnia man
    • Soak in hot water with 200 grams of hop cones and 500 grams of filtered wheat bran about 20 minutes before going to bed.
    • Add 10 to 15 drops of lavender extract to lukewarm bath water. You can then also add a tablespoon of coarse sea salt. Dissolve everything in the water, then bathe for twenty minutes.
    • Have an infusion of orange blossom, two leaves of fresh lettuce, and a cup of water. As soon as the water boils, add the ingredients and let the tea steep for five minutes.
    • Wash and dry the zest of one lemon. Soak this in a quart of boiling water. Then, sweeten the drink with honey and drink it before bed.
    • Put a handful of chamomile and a handful of sage in a cup of boiling water. Let the tea steep for seven minutes, then sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey. Then drink the tea slowly 15 minutes before bed for sleep disorders.

    A few more remedies for insomnia

    • Halve three cloves of garlic and add them to the boiling milk. As soon as the milk is lukewarm, you can drink it. Eat the garlic cloves.

    • Boil a handful of rosemary and lemon balm in one liter of water for ten minutes. Then pour the infusion into the bath water and bathe in it for 15 minutes.
    • Place a few drops of the following essential oils in a fragrance lamp: tuberose, valerian, tangerine, benzoin, marjoram, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, rose, neroli, lemon balm, orange blossom, lavender, jasmine, or chamomile.
    • Prepare a relaxing mixture against insomnia from 20 grams of dill seeds, 30 grams of lemon balm leaves and 30 grams of elderflower . Take out a tablespoon, then add it to a cup of hot water. Drink one or two cups a day, preferably 30 minutes before bed .
    • Put a teaspoon of tarragon in a cup of hot water and let it sit for a few minutes, covered. Filter the tea and then drink it warm, preferably right before bed.
    • Before bed rest, take a 15-minute warm bath with a few drops of sage oil.
    • Mix three tablespoons of honey with three tablespoons of vinegar. Then drink two tablespoons of this preparation just before sleep. If you don’t feel any improvement after an hour, you can take another tablespoon. 
    • Mix a dash of olive oil with four drops of orange blossom essential oil and rub it on your temples. You can also use it to oil your feet – especially the area around your big toe.
    Images with kind permission  Jacob Stewart, Alyssa L. Miller, Benjamin Watson, Max Talbot Minkin, alevtina, Bastian y Stu.

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