Soul Robber – Part I

The emotional robber feels inferior, even if this is not obvious, because he is arrogant. This can show up in a wide variety of situations, for example in a relationship or with friends.

Soul Robber - Part I.

A look, a word or a simple hint can be enough to cause harm to the other person. The behavior of the soul robber is so common that it sometimes seems perfectly normal.

The victims are silent and suffer in silence. An individual can destroy his fellow human beings through bullying or psychological abuse.

Just as there are predators in nature that catch and eat other animals in order to feed, one can observe a similar phenomenon in humans. We are talking about bullying and in the main roles we see the soul robbers and their victims.

Bullying or psychological abuse is a phenomenon that can occur in many settings, for example in relationships, at work, in family or among friends.

What is a soul robber?

The soul robber occurs in all age groups, social classes, cultures and genders. They are apparently normal individuals, almost never leaders. Mostly they are stingy, self-centered and narcissistic.

Their goal is the moral, personal, psychological and social destabilization of the victims, which in many cases can lead to them ending their lives prematurely.

Usually these are people who feel completely inferior to others, even if their arrogant and conceited manner does not convey this impression. They are filled to the brim with repentance and veiled anger. Most of the time they strictly follow an ideology.

They have to be constantly admired and desired by others, suffer from excessive pressure to succeed and thirst for power. In addition, they isolate themselves from their feelings, as a result of which they treat their victims very disparagingly.

As children, these people set the fire and then hide the matches, incite a fight, but never fight with others. You long for a life in the center.

During puberty they are cold and reserved, have little social success and usually only have one or two friends around them who they manipulate. As adults, they appear as arrogant men or women who see themselves as the sole authority for truth, justice and reason.

At first glance, they seem to have a perfect grip on each other, to be socially adept and accepted, but behind the mask hides a collection of intentions and unconscious processes that are much more complicated and confused than one might think.

Who are the victims of the soul robbers?

The victims are characterized by honesty, generosity and optimism and are good souls with spiritual strength. They are people who have qualities that the soul robber thirsts for and which he envies, qualities that he himself does not have.

In this way, the victims turn into scapegoats who are held responsible for everything bad.

A soul robber looks for these types of people to soak up their energy and life force. In other words, they want to absorb what they don’t have.

Victims are perceived as suspicious by the rest, as they are portrayed as guilty by the bullying and as complicit in the aggression they are exposed to, be it consciously or unconsciously.

What do you think of the victims

Often one hears others say that a person becomes a victim to weakness or deficiency; however, the opposite is the case, it hits them because they have more than others, something that the aggressor wants to appropriate for himself.

They can appear naive and naive as they cannot imagine that they are facing a destroyer and trying to come up with logical explanations for the behavior. Then they start to justify themselves and try to be transparent.

They understand or forgive because they love or admire. And they are of the opinion that they have to help, because only they can fully understand the other. They believe they have a job to do.

While the soul robber remains stuck in his rigid habits, the victims try to adapt, try to understand what the tormentor is consciously and unconsciously striving for, and are constantly searching for their own guilt for the situation.

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