Natural Remedies For Rosacea

In order to avoid interactions between natural remedies and medical treatments, you should always consult a specialist before using them.

Natural Remedies For Rosacea

Rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease that is hard to hide. Because it usually shows on the face and is noticeable at first glance. But what can you  do about rosacea  ?

Redness and veins that show through lead to the fact that not only the symptoms of the disease cause unpleasant discomfort. Self-confidence can also suffer from it. Depression can even occur as the disease makes social relationships difficult.

Then learn what you can do about rosacea

What is rosacea?

In this chronic disease, small veins expand on the face. In rare cases, other parts of the body can also be affected.

Redness is particularly visible on the  forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. There may also be inflamed lumps and swelling. People between the ages of 30 and 50 are most affected by this disease.

The eyes can also suffer from rosacea. In this case, inflammation occurs and one has the constant feeling of having a foreign body in the eyes. The eyes are usually very dry.

There could be a deformation (bulbous growths) in the nose area, which in most cases affects men. In this case  , one also speaks of rhinophyma or cauliflower nose. 

Unfortunately, to this day there is  still no cure for this disease. However, various treatments help alleviate symptoms. However, early diagnosis is important for efficient therapy.

Ointments for rosacea are usually prescribed in milder cases. Oral medicines can also be given in severe cases.

Natural remedies for rosacea

Before using any remedies yourself, you need to get a medical exam. Always ask your doctor before starting treatment, even if they are natural remedies! 

The following natural treatments have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects:

  • Chamomile:  Cleanse your face with chamomile flower tea. Skin-friendly soap with chamomile can also be beneficial.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar diluted with water is also perfect for facial cleansing (mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with a glass of water).
  • Olive oil:  Gently massage the affected areas with olive oil.
  • Cucumber: Classic cucumber slices on the affected areas can also bring relief. Creams with cucumber extracts can also be helpful.
  • Oats: Use oatmeal to relieve itching and redness. Simply mix two tablespoons of it with a glass of water and rub it on the affected skin areas.
  • Tea Tree Oil: This intensely scented oil has germicidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Massage it on the affected areas. First check the tolerance. It’s best to dilute it with olive oil to avoid irritation.
  • Red clover contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine, niacin, and vitamin C. It is best to drink two cups of red clover tea every day.

It is also particularly important to avoid possible triggers so that inflammation does not recur.

Common triggers

  • direct sun exposure
  • intense sport
  • stress
  • wind
  • menopause
  • cold temperatures
  • hot baths

You should avoid this as much as possible:

  • Flavor enhancers
  • Whole grain cereals
  • Fermented cheese
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Spicy dishes

More tips

  • Always use sufficient sun protection and use skin-friendly care products that are as natural as possible.
  • Gently dry the face without rubbing hard.
  • Don’t forget to include foods with B vitamins on your daily diet!
  • Observe which foods may trigger episodes of illness to avoid them.

Do not forget that the medical diagnosis and treatment are very important in order to avoid secondary symptoms!

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