To Be Happy You Have To Make Decisions: 5 Tips To Make It Happen

The decisions we make cannot be based solely on our wellbeing. We should seek general happiness so that we can benefit from it as a whole.

To be happy you need to make choices: 5 tips to make it happen

The philosopher and psychologist William James (early 20th century) declared his investigations something very important, which is still relevant even after so many years: To be happy, we need decisions to meet.

Happiness means keeping your balance. A single step can create an imbalance in the situation. Therefore, the main concern is to make the correct  decisions to keep us in that perfect point of balance.

Easier said than done. There are situations that cause us to go one step ahead. Then there is this emptiness in the stomach and the fear and the feeling of losing control.

In other situations, our own thoughts lead us to step back and cling to the past, at the point where calm, security, and serenity leave us.

Learn 5 Simple Ways You Can Learn To Make Effective Decisions That Can Help You Move Towards Happiness.

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1. A new thought, a bigger feeling

Few things can be as powerful as learning to change our thoughts to improve our emotions and feelings, and thus improve the way we view our reality.

Positive psychology says that to be happy we have to believe that we deserve it. This seems very simple and could completely change our everyday life:

  • Rearrange your thoughts so that negative or stressful situations don’t turn into barriers or walls. A less fatalistic attitude makes it possible to face things with courage.
  • For example, losing one’s job can be very traumatic. However, with this situation we are forced to start over or to start more effective projects.
  • A breakup, a discussion, or the loss of a friend are very tough situations that force us to go through certain periods of grief. However, these are vital moments through which we learn to be stronger.

Making the decision to continue on our path and move closer to our happiness is on the philosopher’s stone.

2. The ability to persevere and make decisions

To persevere does not mean to have to endure everything and to endure things that harm us or to put up with emergency situations without doing anything. To persevere means to fight, to find strength in weakness and, above all, to be resilient.

  • Neuropsychologists explain that our brains are designed in such a way that we analyze all negative things that happen to us and learn from emergency situations. We are stronger than we think. We should never forget this.

3. Focus on the here and now

Many experts explain the great benefits of meditation or yoga.

If you don’t particularly enjoy these types of activities, you can also try walking, contemplative moments in  a quiet and quiet place, and so on.

As you get used to focusing and staying calm, you will dwell in your presence and be able to see your goals and your path to happiness.

Woman meditates

4. Gratitude and humility

To be happy we have to make choices, but we also have to be humble. Desiring things that are beyond our capabilities and unattainable only bring suffering.

  • To neglect the beautiful things that surround us and not be grateful for them means to put on a veil that keeps happiness away.
  • Family, friends, a quiet and harmonious day, the health of those who are important to us, the joy of our children, our four-legged friends and so much more are things that we should be grateful for.

5. The ability to give and take

Many hold onto material happiness by focusing all actions and thoughts on their own happiness. This results in a selfish lifestyle.

This should definitely be avoided.

  • Happiness is an energy that doubles when we share it with others. We should be able to give happiness, but also accept it and receive it from others.
  • There is nothing better than making decisions that benefit everyone and no one is left behind; where change is beneficial for all; in which everyone understands that life is much more beautiful when general happiness is sought.
Woman meadow

One of our greatest wishes is that each of us should achieve this skillful and wonderful equilibrium in which we can confidently say that we are happy and do not need anything else.

This feeling is a mixture of inner calm, maturity, well-being and, not to forget, happiness.

So always try to make the correct decisions and listen to your heart!

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