13 Foods For Better Concentration In Children

Concentration is the cognitive ability to focus attention on an activity over a certain period of time without being distracted by irrelevant stimuli. Certain foods can improve this ability.

13 foods for better concentration in children

The ability to concentrate is one of the most important foundations for the learning process. Various foods can improve concentration in children . Find out more on this topic in today’s article.

Concentration is the cognitive ability to focus attention on an activity over a certain period of time without being distracted by irrelevant stimuli.

This ability is essential not only when studying for exams, but also in sports, competitions or other activities.

Proper nutrition has been shown to help children concentrate .  This gives the body sufficient nutrients and the brain the fuel it needs so that the neurons can work efficiently.

Healthy fat for sufficient energy

The most important sources of energy are carbohydrates and fat. High-quality fats are particularly recommended for good concentration in children, because these are necessary  to regenerate the brain cells. 

Concentration in children, as well as other cognitive skills and creativity can therefore be improved with healthy fats.

However, many parents have the problem that their children particularly reject healthy foods. But the sense of taste can also be trained! If you eat a food more often, you get used to the taste. There are also many creative recipes to make the food tasty for children too!

Food for better concentration in children

1. Avocado

Avocados are foods used to increase concentration in children

This fruit, rich in monounsaturated fats, promotes communication between neurons and improves memory. Perfect for the exam time!

  • Delicious tip

Make a sandwich out of whole wheat bread, with avocado, roasted or boiled chicken, finely chopped celery, and mayonnaise spread.

2. Salmon, sardines and anchovies

High-fat fish are high in omega 3, omega 6, and phosphorus, making them ideal foods for improving brain functions.

  • Delicious tip

You can vary the above spread by adding salmon (fried or smoked) instead of chicken. Fish croquettes are also a great idea.

3. Celery

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of celery are thanks to the active ingredient luteolin it contains, which makes learning easier and promotes memory.

  • Delicious tip

You can make a delicious salad from chicken, apple and celery. Season with yogurt, mustard, honey, salt and pepper.

4. Blackberries

Blackberries are foods used to increase concentration in children

They are rich in antioxidants and anthocyanins that protect against neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s. They also promote learning, thinking and memory.

  • Delicious tip

You can make a very tasty smoothie from blackberries and blueberries. If you want, you can sweeten with honey or stevia. You should avoid white sugar.

5. Broccoli

This vegetable is high in choline. It is an essential nutrient that is very important for brain development in the womb and cognitive abilities in general.

  • Delicious tip

Steam the broccoli for 4 minutes. Mix the finely chopped broccoli florets with the pasta, cooked lentils and chopped nuts. Season with garlic and turmeric.

6. Chicken broth on the bone

The broth promotes intestinal health and prevents bacteria or pollutants from entering the bloodstream and negatively affecting the brain.

  • Delicious tip

To make chicken broth, the bones must first cook over low heat for 12 to 24 hours. Add the carrots, celery and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the broth. Add parsley 10 minutes before switching off. Pour through a sieve and consume.

7. Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is a concentration-enhancing food in children

Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants that help maintain memory and make learning easier.

  • Delicious tip

The olive oil must not be exposed to high temperatures! It is best used in raw vegetable salads, mayonnaise or pasta dishes.

8. Coconut oil

It’s the best source of medium chain triglycerides, the perfect nourishment for neurons. It reduces inflammation and prevents memory loss.

  • Delicious tip

Add a handful of chopped nuts, a quarter cup of raisins, a teaspoon of cinnamon, and a spoon of coconut oil to a cup of cooked rice.

9. Turmeric

The curcumin contained in this root has a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. This can also stimulate the formation of new brain cells, i.e. neurogenesis.

  • Delicious tip

Turmeric turns curry yellow. Turmeric can also be used to make delicious mayonnaises. You can also add the spice to scrambled eggs for an extra taste kick.

10. Rosemary

Rosemary is a concentration enhancement food in children

The carnosic acid in this herb protects the brain from neurodegenerative damage caused by free radicals.

  • Delicious tip

You can season meat or chicken dishes with finely chopped rosemary leaves. Rosemary also goes great with tomato sauces.

11. Egg yolks

The egg yolk is a great source of choline and it also contains phospholipids, which are essential for neuronal transmission.

  • Delicious tip

Add paprika, onion, and turmeric to cooked pasta. Then add some boiled and crushed egg yolks. Finally add a little coconut oil or olive oil.

12. Beetroot

They are rich in antioxidants and natural nitrates that promote blood flow to the brain and improve performance.

  • Delicious tip

Make a delicious juice with beetroot, carrots, and oranges that you drink for breakfast.

13. Nuts

Nuts are foods used to increase concentration in children

Nuts are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which makes them the perfect food for the proper functioning of nerve cells.

  • Delicious tip

A portion of cream cheese or ricotta with celery, chopped nuts, honey, salt and pepper can also help children concentrate! A perfect knit that you can serve with crackers.

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