Wear A Bra?

The use of a bra cannot prevent the breasts from sagging over the years. On the contrary, it also promotes this.

Wear a bra?

After several years of research, a study carried out in France concluded that there was no benefit in wearing a bra .

While this garment is very popular with most women, it can potentially even be counterproductive.

French study of the bra

Prof. Jean-Denis Rouillon, from the University of Franche-Comte de Besancon  (France) has confirmed that bras are of no benefit to women; on the contrary, they can even damage the breast.

These statements are based on a study by the University of Besancon, in eastern France. Over a period of 15 years, 130 volunteer women between the ages of 18 and 35 were able to research which breast changes can occur when wearing a bra .

In the first phase of the study, the medical team observed that the breasts of the women who did not wear a bra were firmer and had fewer stretch marks than the breasts of those women who used a bra every day.

Measurement methods

The scientists simply used a measuring device and a ruler to conduct the medical research.

Among other things, the medical team came to the conclusion that wearing this popular piece of clothing cannot prevent sagging breasts; on the contrary, the bra can accelerate this process.


Prof. Rouillon confirms that from a medical, physiological and anatomical point of view, wearing a bra does not have any advantages for the breast. On the contrary, the bra often makes the fabric much more slack.

The doctor maintains that the muscles that hold the breasts in place lose their function and, consequently, their firmness.

He also confirms that those women who never wear bras have much higher nipples compared to those who wear a bra.

Those women who have been wearing bras for years should still not do without it. The results would not necessarily be beneficial.

Prof. Roullion expressly points out that although this is a long-term study in which numerous test subjects took part, this selection still does not present the entire world population.

However, research can confirm that there are no disadvantages in terms of breast orientation if you no longer wear a bra. On the contrary, orientation improves significantly.

A 28-year-old participant in this study confirmed that she had stopped wearing bras two years earlier. She has been feeling very good ever since. Nowadays she has less back pain and breathes more freely.

In some previous studies conducted at the University of Portsmouth , England, it has been shown that many women’s breasts are damaged as a result of using the wrong bra size.

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