4 Delicious Recipes With Potatoes And Vegetables

In today’s article we will introduce you to four delicious recipes with potatoes and vegetables. You will see how easy it is to prepare delicious mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.

4 delicious recipes with potatoes and vegetables

Potatoes and vegetables are always a perfect combination. Such a dish is rich in valuable carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B5. If you add it to your diet regularly, you will feel healthier and fitter overall.

A healthy lifestyle is important for your physical and also your mental health. What are you waiting for? Just read on and be inspired by our delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes with potatoes and vegetables .

Delicious recipes with potatoes and vegetables

You can prepare potatoes and vegetables in numerous ways. Below we show you a few recipes for delicious mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables, which you can ideally combine with other foods.

1. Mashed potatoes with celery

Potatoes and vegetables - celery

Right at the beginning we have a very tasty recipe for you: mashed potatoes with celery. There is hardly anyone who can resist a delicious mashed potato. With a little celery you can give it a very special touch. Just give it a try!


  • 500 g potatoes
  • salt
  • 300 g of celery root
  • 150 ml whole milk
  • 125 g butter


  • First you wash the potatoes thoroughly in cold water and then put them in a saucepan.
  • Add a little more salt and cook the potatoes for about 30 minutes.
  • While the potatoes are cooking, you can peel the celery root and then cut it into small pieces. Cook them for 20 minutes.
  • Once the potatoes have finished cooking, you can start peeling them. Make sure they are still hot while doing this.
  • Then mix the potatoes with the celery pieces. Mix the two ingredients with a potato masher until you have a creamy paste.
  • Finally, add the butter and let it melt.
  • Now you heat the milk in a saucepan and add the warm milk to the mashed potatoes. Mix everything together again thoroughly.

And a delicious variation of potatoes and vegetables is ready! You will see, the mashed potatoes with celery tastes great. You can also mix other vegetables with the potatoes.

You already know how to make great mashed potatoes. Now we want to dedicate ourselves to the vegetables and show you how you can prepare them easily and deliciously.

2. Steamed vegetables with cheese spread

Potatoes and Vegetables - Broccoli

This simple dish only has 60 calories per serving.


  • 250 g cheese spread
  • 125 g corn
  • 3 carrots (60 g)
  • 1 broccoli (300 g)


  • First, wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water.
  • Then you cut everything into small pieces.
  • Now wrap all of the ingredients in aluminum foil.
  • Steam the vegetables in a saucepan for 20 minutes.
  • You can also prepare a delicious mashed potato. In addition, white meat or a pasta dish goes very well with vegetables.

3. Stuffed chicken breast with steamed vegetables

Potatoes and Vegetables - Chicken

You can prepare the steamed vegetables exactly as we described in the 2nd recipe. You can also mix potatoes and vegetables, let your imagination run wild. You can find the recipe for the stuffed chicken breast here:

Ingredients (for one serving)

  • Various vegetables (suitable for stewing)
  • 250g chicken breast fillet
  • 300 g breadcrumbs
  • 200 g ham
  • 100 g cheese
  • 1 egg


  • Top the chicken breast with ham and cheese and roll it up. The best way to fix it is to use wooden toothpicks.
  • Then you turn the meat in the beaten egg and let it drain a little. Now you roll the meat in the breadcrumbs until it is well covered on all sides.
  • Now fry the meat in a little oil in the pan. Make sure the chicken is cooked through.
  • Finally, let the meat drain briefly on a kitchen towel and serve with potatoes and vegetables. Mashed potatoes are also very tasty with it.

4. Steamed salmon with buttered vegetables

Potatoes and Vegetables - Salmon

This dish is really delicious. And on top of that, it’s very nutritious and easy to prepare. However, you should be careful because it also contains Mexican leaf pepper. 

Usually this type of pepper grows in Mexico and is very popular in Latin American cuisine. You can also prepare the dish without this special pepper or replace it with another.

The steamed salmon tastes great even without the Mexican leaf pepper. Make sure to give this recipe a try!


  • Mexican goosefoot (Epazote)
  • 1/4 onion
  • 55g salmon
  • 5 Mexican pepper leaves (10 g)
  • 1 tomato
  • Butter and salt


  • Cover the salmon with butter. Then you put a pepper leaf on a piece of aluminum foil and put the salmon on top.
  • Cut the tomato and onion into fine strips (julienne) and pour both over them with the goose foot. You can also add a little broth. 
  • Then you cover the salmon with the remaining pepper leaves and wrap everything in aluminum foil.
  • Now you put this package on a hot grill plate and let the fish cook for 15 minutes. When steam comes out, the fish is ready.
  • You can serve variations of potatoes and vegetables as a side dish.

We wish you a good appetite!

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