6 Fitness Exercises At Home: Stronger Legs Without Equipment

The equipment in the gym is very useful for getting stronger and more shaped legs. However, there are some simple exercises that will also help that don’t require you to step outside the door.

6 fitness exercises for at home: stronger legs without equipment

The machines in the gym are very useful when it comes to developing stronger legs. However, they are not absolutely necessary to achieve this goal. There are many home fitness exercises that do not require equipment to train this area of ​​the body.

It’s easy to do these home fitness exercises without stepping out the door. It is only important to be constant and disciplined in your training, because they are not magic bullets that cause changes overnight.

You also have to combine them with a balanced diet and healthy habits, because all of these help build muscle mass. Also remember to increase the intensity slowly and not to overexert yourself.

Are you going to try the home fitness exercises? Discover the six best we have selected for you.

Stronger Legs: Home Fitness Exercises

1. The jumping jack

The jumping jack

To begin this interesting routine for stronger legs, one can do the jumping jack jump. This exercise strengthens the lower muscles and speeds up the metabolism for optimal fat burning.

How does it work?

  • First, stand up straight, keeping your legs together and arms by the sides of your body.
  • Then jump up and open your legs, while at the same time stretching your arms upwards.
  • Then return to the starting position with another jump and repeat this exercise 15 to 20 times.

    2. Heel raises

    When it comes to strengthening the legs, we often forget about the calves. You can build them up through general training, but it is best to devote a specific exercise to them as well.

    How does it work?

    • First stand up straight, keeping your feet apart from your shoulders and your arms stretched out in front of you.
    • Then, remove your heels from the floor and try to stand on your tiptoes for 20 to 30 seconds.
    • Then go back to the starting position, take a short break and then repeat the exercise four times.

    3. “Pistol” squats

    The gun

    If you want really strong legs, you can increase the intensity of traditional squats by performing these gun squats.

    You may need more stamina, but you will train the muscle groups in the legs and buttocks.

    How does it work?

    • First, stand up straight and keep your legs a little bit apart.
    • Keep your hands together in front of your chest or, alternatively, place them behind your neck.
    • Then stretch one leg out in front of you and squat with the other.
    • Try to come down as far as you can without putting too much pressure on your knee.
    • Repeat the exercise 10 times, then switch legs and repeat with the other.

    4. Burpees

    The movements we perform on the burpees are designed to burn fat around the abdomen and hips. You also train different muscle groups, such as the glutes and hamstrings.

    How does it work?

    • First, crouch down and support yourself with your hands on the floor.
    • Then stretch your legs backwards and go straight back to the starting position.
    • Then jump up and at the same time stretch your hands over your head.
    • Then crouch down again and repeat this exercise 15 times.

    5. Thigh contractions

    Exercises for the legs

    All you need for this exercise is a chair or a raised surface. If you do it regularly, your body will thank you with stronger, more shaped legs. It also relaxes the muscles and promotes blood circulation.

    How does it work?

    • First, sit in a chair with your back straight and your legs outstretched.
    • Then hold on to the armrest with your arms and lift one of your legs up.
    • Contract the hamstrings for five seconds, then slowly lower the leg back down.
    • Repeat the exercise 15 times and then switch legs.

    6. Elevation of the abductors

    Exercises for the home

    There are many exercises to train the thigh abductors, but we suggest a particularly simple and effective one.

    This is an exercise that strengthens the legs while stimulating blood circulation and fighting cellulite.

    How does it work?

    • First, lie on your side on an exercise mat. Hold one leg over the other.
    • Then support yourself on your forearm and lift your upper leg towards the ceiling.
    • Bring it back down with a slow motion and then repeat this exercise 12 times.
    • Then switch sides and repeat.

    Do you feel like having stronger legs without leaving the house? If you don’t have time to go to the gym, you might find these home fitness exercises useful. Do it often and notice the first changes after a few weeks.

    Increase the intensity slowly so that there are no injuries!

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