Peeling For Radiant Skin

This peeling with banana and sugar contains no oil and is therefore perfect for oily skin. Choose the scrub that works best for your skin type.

Exfoliating for glowing skin

In this article, we would like to show you how you can use an exfoliant to make your skin glow.

The skin is the largest organ of the body, it is constantly exposed to various external and internal circumstances that can endanger its beauty and health. Over time, environmental factors, bad eating habits and other vices become noticeable on the skin. It is delicate and needs adequate care. This is exactly what a peeling is suitable for .

The skin should always be well cared for regardless of age. There is a wide range of products that make the skin firmer and more radiant.

Tips for glowing and healthy skin

Always use sun protection: The skin should be protected from harmful UV rays on a daily basis. You should use at least a sun protection factor of 30.

Balanced diet: The diet affects not only general health, but also the condition of the skin. It is important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables as they are very rich in vitamins and minerals and stimulate skin firmness and cell regeneration.

Recovery : The best measure for healthy, glowing skin is getting enough sleep, as this activates the cells strongly and the cell movement during sleep can be three times as high as during the day. This means that damaged cells are repaired particularly quickly during sleep. It should be eight hours of sleep a day.

Cleansing:  The skin is exposed to various environmental influences every day. Wind, dust or cosmetic products can clog the pores and hinder regeneration. Therefore, it is important to cleanse the skin well, especially before going to bed.

Moisturizing:  Moisturizing the skin is important in keeping it firm and glowing. There is a wide range of creams and special products on the market, which also have many other advantages. Alternatively, masks and creams on a natural basis can also be used.

Healthy Habits:  It makes sense to exercise enough and regularly and to avoid bad habits such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco, etc. to strengthen the skin. Bad habits can lead to irritation, allergies, acid-base problems, dryness, etc.

Exfoliating:  There are many ways to exfoliate and remove impurities from the skin. This promotes the removal of dead skin cells and cell regeneration. In this way, the skin can be revitalized and supplied with moisture. There are numerous peeling products available, but these can also be easily and cheaply made at home.

Natural scrubs that revitalize the skin

Banana and sugar


This scrub is ideal for oily skin as it is prepared without oil:


  • a ripe banana
  • 3 tablespoons of coarse grain sugar


Mash the bananas and mix with sugar. This scrub is then applied to the skin in the shower. If you’re just doing a facial scrub, you won’t need sugar.

Coarse sugar and oil


This peeling contains oil and is therefore particularly suitable for dry and sensitive skin. 


  • 4 tablespoons of brown, coarse-grained sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 20 drops of essential oil


Mix all ingredients in a clean bowl, then apply to the skin. Perform gentle, circular massages and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Coconut and brown sugar


This scrub is ideal for dry, sallow skin. It helps to achieve more vitality and a beautiful complexion.


  • 1/2 spoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar


Mix all ingredients and gently apply the scrub to the skin using circular movements. Then remove with lukewarm water. If there is anything left over, you can store the remaining scrub in a container at room temperature.

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