5 Tips For Stable Nerves And Good Thinking Skills

With our five tips you will learn what you can do for strong nerves and a fit brain

5 tips for stable nerves and good thinking skills

We notice especially under stress: our own nerves could be a little more stable. Even those who are quickly irritated, fearful, do not trust themselves or are quickly overwhelmed, should try to find a little more calm with our advice and strengthen their own nerves.

So what helps your nerves ?

Fruit Vegetable

Balanced nutrition

A balanced mixed diet, rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, fiber (for example from whole grain products), lean dairy products and healthy fats had the best effect on maintaining healthy brain structures and nerve connections.

Especially people with depressive moods suffer from a mineral deficiency. Usually there is a lack of magnesium and potassium.

Magnesium acts on the synapses of the nerve cells in a similar way to other prescription antidepressants and is in many cases even recommended by doctors as supportive treatment for depressive moods.

Even those who are under stress have an increased need for magnesium.

Also, make sure you eat whole grains whenever possible. Grain products contain many complex carbohydrates from which your body can produce the happiness hormone serotonin itself. So provide your body with enough “serotonin building blocks”!

Lecithin is an important part of our cell membrane. The fat-like substance causes nerve cells to regenerate more easily and the transmission of signals between the brain cells improves.

In addition , lecithin is converted into acetylcholine, the most important messenger substance in the nervous system. Vegetable lecithin is particularly found in soy. Soy products are rich in easily digestible protein, iron, magnesium and zinc.

The typical “trail mix” contains nuts. But why? Because there is plenty of choline in nuts. The B vitamin is the preliminary stage for the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine (keyword: soy!) – a guarantee for full concentration.

In addition to omega-3 fatty acids , many nuts also contain the amino acid isoleucine, which also increases the ability to think. So they’re good for your nerves.


Get enough sleep for your nerves

It is not only the length of sleep that is important, but also the quality. Those who cannot sleep through the night are harming themselves.

The ability to learn and remember decreases, the metabolism changes, weight gain inevitably follows, daytime sleepiness increases and leads to “blackouts” which endanger safety (including in traffic).

Long-term sleep disorders make you depressed, can cause cardiac arrhythmias and high blood pressure, and lack of sleep also damages the immune system.

Neurologists suspect that too little sleep can even cause lasting damage to the brain . One thing is certain: those who have slept too little are less “fit in the head”, do significantly worse in concentration exercises and are much more difficult to remember things.

Insufficient sleep for several years is also believed to be responsible for some of the dementias.

The reason: If the brain does not get enough rest, metabolic products can probably not be removed properly, accumulate in the brain and cause long-term damage there.


Be creative

Creativity leads to the fact that new brain structures are constantly being formed that keep the brain active and vital.

It does not matter which creative activity you pursue: crocheting, knitting, sewing, painting, handicrafts, gardening, writing, decorating, … let your imagination rule and turn your ideas into concrete deeds and actions!

Don’t you have any idea what to write, sew, knit, do handicrafts or crochet? Go for a walk! Movement promotes creativity!



When we move, the brain is better supplied with blood and stimulated to form new brain cells. Exercise supplies the brain with oxygen, thereby improving the ability to concentrate and improve memory.

Movement doesn’t just get the circulation going. The body’s own happiness hormone serotonin is released and has a double effect against dark thoughts and stress.

Those who exercise in the fresh air are doubly good for themselves and their mood: Daylight and sunlight also lead to the release of serotonin, so a walk in the fresh air has a double positive effect!

Build exercise firmly into your daily routine: taking a walk during your lunch break or meeting a friend for an evening sports class.

However, you shouldn’t overdo it with exercise, because too much exercise leads to overload and thus to the degradation of cells – and that’s exactly what you don’t want to achieve.


Experiencing nature is good for your nerves

Anyone who “unwinds” the same routine every day, rarely leaves their own four walls and only watches the TV picture on the couch, misses out on many sensory impressions that keep the brain trained.

Those who use it regularly train and maintain thinking and brain structures and prevent mental decline. Variety is important here, as soon as the new becomes routine, it no longer helps.

Therefore you should cultivate friendships, meet regularly with others, organize joint activities and leave your own four walls as often as possible in order to constantly provide new sensory impressions.

Movement in nature is basically the best variant, as additional external stimuli from nature (noises, changes in light, colors, movements of others, …) create additional stimuli for the brain.

Such stimuli can cause areas of the brain to reconnect and new brain cells to be formed.

Get off the sofa, get out into nature!

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