High Blood Pressure? Change Your Lifestyle!

If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should definitely change your lifestyle, because that is exactly what made you have high blood pressure.

High blood pressure?  Change your lifestyle!

An unhealthy lifestyle leads to high blood pressure. Only in a few cases is this due to other conditions (e.g. kidney problems). Usually, by changing your healthy lifestyle, you can lower your blood pressure to such an extent that you no longer need medication.

Modified lifestyle lowers high blood pressure

In the vast majority of cases, high blood pressure is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and can be reduced again by a healthy lifestyle. The following factors lead to this:

  • Obesity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Too little movement
  • Too much salt consumption
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Smoke
  • stress
  • Insufficient potassium intake

Of course there is also high blood pressure caused by medication or illnesses such as kidney disease. If this is not the case for you, you can lower your high blood pressure by changing your lifestyle.

Often even to a normal level. Here are some things you should change in your lifestyle:

Obesity and high blood pressure

Reach normal weight

Normal weight is a very effective prevention and treatment for high blood pressure. With a normal weight you not only achieve a reduction in your high blood pressure, but also benefit from many other health benefits and prevent other diseases such as type II diabetes.

Eat a healthy diet and avoid high blood pressure

A healthy diet consists of few animal fats, high-quality vegetable oils, lots of fiber, vegetable protein and lots of fruit and vegetables. Ready-made products have nothing to do with a healthy diet. Visit a qualified nutritionist and learn how to eat healthily by knowing what you are eating.


If you have high blood pressure, not all sports are suitable for you. Weight training, for example, causes high blood pressure to rise, whereas endurance exercise lowers blood pressure in the long term. Start with light endurance sports like walking and don’t overwhelm yourself.

Incorporate more exercise into everyday life : leave the car, get out one station too early, take the stairs instead of the elevator, use the furthest instead of the front parking lot, ride a bike instead of the bus and train and go for a walk during the lunch break.

Reduce salt

Too much salt consumption also promotes high blood pressure. There is a lot of salt in ready mixes, ready meals and fast food. If you cook yourself with fresh ingredients and without “fix” products, you can regulate your salt consumption yourself: you only eat the salt that you sprinkle into your food!

Alcohol causes high blood pressure

Refrain from alcohol

Everyone knows that alcohol is unhealthy, but not everyone believes it. It is believed that around 200 diseases and symptoms are only caused by alcohol!

Among other things, alcohol has a dehydrating effect, which means that electrolytes that are important for the body are flushed out with the urine. This includes potassium, which regulates blood pressure.

Smoking causes high blood pressure

If you ingest nicotine in the form of tobacco smoke in only small doses, the substance has a stimulating effect in the brain after just 10 seconds.

The smoker feels full of new energy after the first few puffs. If the dosage increases, so the cigarette slowly comes to an end, the stimulating effect disappears and turns into relaxation, but already then harmful effects begin to set in, such as an increase in blood pressure.

Those who do not smoke save themselves and their bodies these fluctuations and above all the high blood pressure caused by nicotine.

Provide relaxation

Our heart is also sensitive to stress. It doesn’t always lead to both, but high blood pressure and arrhythmias are often related.

Learn to deal with stress by learning relaxation techniques, designing your everyday life differently and also thinking about a change in your job. Stress destroys you and your health. Is it worth it to you

Potassium and high blood pressure

Those who eat a lot of ready-made mixes and ready-made meals, drink alcohol with them and consume little fruit and vegetables, often have too low a potassium level. However, potassium is important for the transmission of stimuli from nerves and regulates blood pressure and heartbeat. Malnutrition also leads to high blood pressure.

Make sure you eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables; a healthy, balanced diet made from basically fresh ingredients prevents malnutrition and, incidentally, also ensures a better body weight.

As you can see, there are many “adjusting screws” that you can turn to lower blood pressure through a healthy lifestyle – or not to let it arise at all. It is up to you whether you want to swallow pills for the rest of your life or whether you are responsible for your own health and take it into your own hands …

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