8 Ways To Activate Your Metabolism And Lose Weight

High-intensity training is the best way to keep your metabolism active. The combination of intense exercise and cardiovascular exercise is crucial for burning fat.

8 ways to activate your metabolism and lose weight

In today’s article, learn 8 ways to activate your metabolism and lose weight. Because an accelerated metabolism ensures that fat is not stored so easily. Plus it’s easier to keep your weight on like this. Read on to find out more.

The metabolism enables the conversion of the absorbed nutrients. These  supply the organism with the energy and fuel it needs every day. These chemical reactions take place in the cells that are responsible for converting nutrients from food into energy. In this way all vital functions can be carried out.

We all need energy:

  • to move us
  • to breathe
  • to digest
  • for blood circulation
  • for the formation of muscle mass, etc.

We need them even when we are idle. Energy that is not used is stored in the body as fat. That is why it is so important to keep the metabolism active or to activate the metabolism. 

Metabolic rate is the rate at which the body uses available energy or burns calories.

As a rule, the more muscles and the less fat there are in the body, the higher the metabolic rate. Because of this, men tend to have a higher metabolic rate than women. Because women usually have more fat and less muscle.

When your metabolism is fast and working well, fat is not stored as easily and it is easier to maintain a healthy weight. There are many ways to activate your metabolism, especially if it has a tendency to work slowly. 

1. Coconut oil to activate the metabolism

Coconut oil to activate the metabolism

Coconut oil is a beauty product that is used by many – not only because it ensures beautiful skin and shiny hair – also because it stimulates the metabolism and consequently helps with weight loss.

Various studies have found that coconut oil is easy to digest and speeds up the metabolism. This precious oil can burn calories three times faster than other oils.

2. More proteins

Adequate consumption of protein helps the body lose weight quickly. An additional portion of protein is therefore essential to speed up the metabolism and keep it active. 

Make sure that these proteins are good quality and appropriate for the body. This means that, for example, those that provide amino acids (such as chicken or beef) are recommended to support a diet.

Also, lean meats, and eggs in particular, are excellent sources of protein.

3. Exercise

Exercise for an active metabolism

Exercise is extremely important in order to activate the metabolism and lose weight more easily.

High intensity exercise can be very exhausting, but it is the best way to keep your metabolism active. It is best to combine high-intensity exercises with cardiovascular exercises, which are also important for losing fat.

4. A healthy breakfast

Many think that without breakfast they can lose weight faster, but this is a mistake.

Numerous studies have shown that people who do not eat breakfast have a slower metabolism. In addition, you usually consume more calories for the rest of the day. A healthy breakfast with fiber, proteins and antioxidants is therefore ideal.

5. Green tea

Green tea is an excellent way to help you lose weight. Because it burns fat and activates the metabolism. The delicious tea is rich in antioxidants, which fight free radicals and are also good for digestion. Green tea does not contain any calories and significantly speeds up metabolism.

6. Drink water

The daily consumption of water is vital in order to supply the body with fluids and to keep the metabolism active. Water is also calorie-free, aids digestion and is essential in all weight-loss diets. 

7. Hot spices

Hot spices, such as cayenne pepper, can also be very helpful in boosting your metabolism and making it easier to lose weight. Pepper contains an active ingredient called capsaicin. This promotes the metabolism and also has a strong antioxidant and cancer-inhibiting effect.

8. Good quality sleep

Sleeping has a positive effect on your metabolism

Something as simple and enjoyable as sleeping can also boost your metabolism. A restful sleep promotes well-being, which is crucial when losing weight. It could be shown that people with sleep problems have more cravings and also gain weight faster.

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