8 Tips For Cleansing The Body

It is best to cleanse the body step by step with simple means. Restrictive cures can be harmful to the organism and lead to weakness. 

8 tips to cleanse the body

With the cleansing of the body ‘s health can be promoted and the weight to be controlled. We recommend implementing simple daily tips  instead of restrictive regimens.

In today’s article you will find 8 recommendations for cleansing the body , with which you can support your organism in the elimination of toxins in a simple and natural way every day.

You can also put them into practice very easily and without great effort.

Cleanse the organism every day

As already mentioned, it is far more efficient to incorporate small, simple habits into everyday life  than to do  an extreme cleansing regimen once a year.

In this way you can gradually detoxify your organism without losing energy or suffering other negative consequences.
The following tips are very simple, you can make them a habit to  get rid of toxins that build up in the body. 
You will have more energy and vitality, be in a better mood and also  be able to lose weight more easily. 

Tips for cleansing the body

1. Lemon water on an empty stomach

Lemon water on an empty stomach to cleanse the body

Immediately after getting up, it is advisable to drink one or two glasses of water with the juice of half a lemon. After that, you should wait half an hour for breakfast.

This simple habit  activates the digestive system, improves liver and intestinal functions,  removes the pollutants from the day before and activates the metabolism.

If you are constipated, you can drink hot water to make it easier to empty your bowels.

2. Olive oil on an empty stomach

This home remedy is not well known, many find it difficult to ingest, but it is an excellent alternative or addition to lemon water.

Taking a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil on an empty stomach will  activate the liver and gallbladder  as all of the digestive system’s energy will be focused on digesting this healthy oil.

In addition, you can use this simple home remedy to fight diarrhea.

3. Vinegar and baking soda

If you make yourself a glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of baking soda,  you will get an excellent, invigorating and cleansing drink. 

However, it is essential to always drink this on an empty stomach in order to achieve the desired effects. After that, you should wait at least half an hour for breakfast.

The acidity of the vinegar compensates for the alkaline soda powder. This  balances the pH value in the organism. 

4. Two liters of water a day

Water to cleanse the body

One of your easiest and most well-known ways to detoxify the organism is water. You should drink about 2 liters of it a day.

Most drink less than a liter of water a day, which dries out the organism and can no longer perform its cleansing functions correctly.

The water should always be drunk outside of meals so that toxins can be discharged better.

If you don’t like pure water,  you can add some lemon juice, stevia, or fresh aromatic plants. 

5. Early dinner

This simple habit can greatly improve the quality of your life  because dinner has a direct effect on the liver. 

  • During the night, this organ regenerates, which makes it possible to clean the blood more thoroughly.
  • However, if you eat too late or too much, the liver will not be able to carry out its nocturnal tasks properly because it must digest the food first.
  • It is therefore advisable to always have the last meal three hours before going to bed. These should be easy to digest.

6. Season with turmeric and cayenne pepper

Turmeric to cleanse the body

To benefit from the extraordinary properties of these spices, you should use them regularly in your dishes.

Not only can you use it to enhance the taste of a wide variety of dishes, but also promote your health and cleanse your body!

We recommend turmeric, as this intensely yellow root improves liver function, among other things. Cayenne pepper helps cleanse the blood.

7. Green smoothies

Green smoothies are fashionable because they taste delicious and are very healthy. When you combine fresh fruit and green leafy vegetables  , you get a cleansing, revitalizing drink that also helps you lose weight. 

Raw vegetables such as spinach, celery, beetroot leaves or rocket are ideal for this.

8. Chia seeds

Chia seeds help cleanse the colon  and regulate constipation and other digestive ailments.

All you have to do is soak them in water overnight and then take them the next morning alone or in combination with a juice or smoothie.

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