8 Simple Tricks To Tame Unruly Hair

With a mask made of aloe vera and coconut oil, the hair is moisturized and therefore silky and shiny. Rinse with cold water to smooth out the flakes of hair.

8 simple tricks to tame unruly hair

No matter what the reason your hair is unruly and frizzy: you want to tame it! Frizzy hair is always drier than straight hair and therefore always appears dull, dull and unkempt.

Frizzy hair is difficult to style, contradicts every hair styling product, jumps out of hair clips and otherwise has its own will. Read here how you control over your unruly hair can get, without having to dig deep into their pockets!

Damaged hair structure

The hair structure is usually damaged if the hair is extremely bristle and unruly. It often does not do what you would like, especially in humid air with rain, fog or in damp climates.

This is due to the fact that the hair structure is damaged: the smallest hair flakes are not lying flat, but have stood up. On the one hand, moisture can escape even better from the hair structure (and make the hair even drier).

On the other hand, moisture also penetrates the hair well – and makes it frizzy. It is therefore important to restore the natural and healthy structure of the hair!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Acid causes the fine flakes of hair to pull together again and lay flat . The hair regains its original shine, feels less stubborn, is softer and is much easier to style and shape!

Simply mix equal parts apple cider vinegar with water and use this mixture as a hair conditioner after shampooing. Do not rinse!


Egg and olive oil

There is lecithin in the egg yolk. The fat-like substance cares for the hair fiber from the outside and protects it from drying out. Olive oil is a high quality oil and provides additional care. Both combined bring stubborn and unruly hair to a new shine!

To do this, simply mix an egg yolk with about the same amount of olive oil, mix with a splash of lemon juice and apply to the hair as a hair treatment.

So that the mass does not dry out, wrap the hair with plastic wrap and leave it on for half an hour. Then wash your hair and style as usual.



Honey provides moisture and soothes care. Therefore, the natural product is contained in many cosmetic articles.

But because everyone has a pot of honey in the kitchen, you don’t have to spend the money on expensive cosmetic products, a honey cure for hair care is easy to make yourself!

Mix a spoonful of honey and oil, slightly warmed, and apply to the hair. After the application time of approx. 30 minutes, wash out with a mild shampoo.



Avocado also has great care properties, and its high-quality oil is also widely used in the cosmetics industry. But you can easily make your own hair treatment with a ripe avocado.

Finely puree the avocado half with a fork or a hand blender to a velvety pulp. Mix in a teaspoon of oil and a splash of lemon juice. Put the mixture on your hair and leave it on for half an hour or more. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil

The scent of coconut oil immediately reminds us of the Caribbean, tropical vacations under palm trees, sun, sand and sea. You can get this scent into your hair and take advantage of the positive effects of coconut oil on your hair !

There are different uses: very frizzy hair tolerates coconut oil well pure. To do this, simply rub on the palms of the hands and knead into the curls. Straight hair can tolerate the oil pure as an intensive hair treatment, which should, however, be washed off after use.


Natural bristles

Even bad hair brushes or combs damage the hair. The best hair care in itself is of no use if the hair is stressed several times a day by cheap brushes. Make sure your brush doesn’t have plastic bristles.

These can be sharp-edged and maltreat your hair! Natural bristles are a little more expensive than plastic bristles, but they really protect your hair!

wet hair

Protect wet hair

Wet hair is very sensitive. It is puffy and needs to be handled with care. Just gently squeeze the hair to remove excess water, do not wring!

Also, never rub dry with a towel, just squeeze it out lightly and let it dry a little by itself in the towel turban! Comb or brush wet hair carefully!

Protect the hair from heat

Heat damages the hair. If your hair is already damaged, stubborn, and unruly, you can make it worse by using a blow dryer, straightener, hood dryer, or curling iron. Heat dries out even more and should therefore be avoided at all costs!

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