8 Air-purifying Houseplants

Some of these plants require a little more care, so you should think carefully about which houseplants you choose when buying.

8 air-purifying houseplants

Houseplants are not only decorative, they also purify the air, and some even absorb chemicals. So you can benefit from it in several ways.

However, it is important to choose the right plants because not all of them have the same effect. With certain houseplants you can not only improve the air quality, but also provide positive energy.

Many of them are easy to grow and also very frugal in their care. Others are a little more demanding.

Then we recommend various indoor plants that  purify the air and have other benefits.  Read on to learn more about it.

1. House plants: areca palm

indoor plants

The areca palm is a very beautiful houseplant,  the leaves of which harmonize energy in any environment. 

It is easy to maintain and also helps to remove pollutants and suspended matter that collect in the air.

2. Indoor plants: bamboo palm

The bamboo palm is very similar to the areca palm and  also has strong air-purifying properties.

It is an excellent pollutant killer: the bamboo palm is able to absorb benzene, trichlorethylene and other pollutants.

In addition, she is said to have the ability to create a harmonious atmosphere and peace and thus facilitate coexistence.

What are you waiting for? The bamboo palm creates a tropical ambience and looks great everywhere.

3. Fern


Fern is very popular, and there are many different types. Ferns have been growing for 300 to 400 million years, today they are often used in homes that do not have a lot of light.

The leaves are gentle as well as light,  and filter the air of pollutants like toluene and xylene  found in vinyl glue, nail polish, and other chemical products.

Ferns do not require intensive care, but a little more than other plants.

4. Common ivy

Common ivy survives in almost any location and  is also very easy to care for as a houseplant.

One of the advantages is that this plant easily adapts to all environments. Common ivy has a harmonizing effect and is therefore very popular in Feng Shui.

However, this houseplant is not recommended at very high temperatures  as it could dry out.

5. Orchids


Many do not dare to approach orchids because they need a little more care, but that’s not as complicated as many think.

Orchids are more delicate than other flowers,  but when given the right amount of sun and water, they grow excellently and are beautiful.

This plant filters the air from pollutants that are in wall paints and furniture lacquers, for example xylene.

They produce oxygen at night,  so they are also highly recommended in the bedroom.

6. Efeutute

This plant is very popular and available in many places. It does not require any special care and is therefore often used in offices and public spaces as well as in shopping centers.

The Efeutute adapts well to an environment with a temperature between 17 and 30ºC. The soil should then  always be slightly damp. 

This houseplant has the ability to absorb formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene.

7. Peace Lily


Many love the peace lily, also known as the leaf flag or sheath leaf, because the flowers last a very long time and this plant  thrives perfectly in the shade at low temperatures.

It is very decorative and does not require any special care. This can remove various pollutants, for example:

  • Acetone,
  • Ethyl acetate,
  • Ammonia,
  • Benzene,
  • Methyl alcohol,
  • Xylene,
  • Formaldehyde and
  • Trichlorethylene.

8. Bow hemp

This plant is also very popular for interior decoration. The advantage is that it thrives in almost all temperatures.

It can endure up to 40ºC outdoors and survives  down to -5ºC in colder regions. 

This plant is said to filter benzene, xylene and toluene from the air.

Ask in a specialist shop about these plants in  order to benefit from their advantages and to ensure fresh air and harmony in your home.

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