7 Signs Of A Lack Of Water

One of the signs that you are not drinking enough water is excessive appetite, because the brain often confuses the need to drink with hunger.

7 signs of a lack of water

Most of us don’t drink enough water, but we don’t know about it, so in today’s post you will find 7 signs of a lack of water.

Then, when you know all of the negative effects and how it affects your health, you will see the importance of drinking enough.

Did you know that this can be the cause of your skin discomfort, your back pain or an excessive appetite? Read on to learn more about it.

Do you drink enough water?

The recommended amount of water to consume outside of meals depends on age, time of year, rhythm of life and other factors.

In general, however, we recommend about 8 glasses of water daily. You can drink 2 of them on an empty stomach immediately after getting up. Then 3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.

You should always enjoy the water outside of meals so as not to affect digestion.


1. Torticollis

Torticollis, also known as torticollis, is amazingly a sign that you are not drinking enough water. In traditional Chinese medicine  , for example, the kidney is associated with pain in the neck area. 

A simple remedy for torticollis is therefore to drink enough water in small sips throughout the day.

If you suffer from torticollis frequently, you should make sure that there is no lack of water. You should take care of your kidneys with appropriate herbal teas and onion soup.

2. Dry skin and eczema

Dry skin is also an obvious sign of a lack of water. Of course, a diet low in essential fatty acids or other problems can also be behind this. But water is essential to keep the skin healthy, elastic and radiant.

Eczema can also be relieved if you drink enough water during the day!

3. Premature wrinkling

Dehydration occurs with increasing age. Therefore, the skin is also more prone to wrinkles, which appear earlier in people with dry skin.

Drinking water is therefore  a good antiaging agent that is more effective than many creams. You supply the skin with sufficient moisture from the inside.


4. Dark circles

Women with dark circles under the eyes that are difficult to remove often resort to makeup to cover them up.

However, the dark spots under the eyes  indicate a deficiency, which is often caused by insufficient fluid in the body. 

If you drink enough water and the dark circles do not go away, you should improve the functions of the liver and kidneys with a cleansing regimen.

5. Constipation

Constipation should always be treated as it could even cause chronic diseases in the long term.

Most importantly, identify the causes that  might be found in a low-fiber diet. Emotional problems, stress or a weakened liver could also be responsible.

It is less common to think that a lack of water can also lead to constipation. This can be especially the case for those on a high-fiber diet.
In order to be able to digest the fiber, sufficient water is necessary. Otherwise, the constipation will only worsen and you will also suffer from gas.

6. Pain in the lower back is a sign of a lack of water

Many suffer from lower back pain and discomfort. These can be due to muscular problems. This region is also where the kidneys are located, which can cause pain.

  • Sometimes the kidneys become inflamed or give a warning sign of the presence of kidney stones.
  • Whatever the cause of the pain,  drinking water will help improve kidney function. It can reduce inflammation and drain stones naturally. 

    7. Excessive appetite

    If you want to lose weight but are unable to control your appetite, it could be related to a lack of water. Because this could increase your desire for snacks and your feeling of hunger.

    Sometimes you can mistake thirst for hunger if you don’t properly understand the body’s needs.

    One of the best ways to tell the difference between hunger and thirst is to have a glass of water when you feel hungry.

    Also, make a habit of drinking a glass of water half an hour before you  eat. 

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