7 Serious Complications From High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is usually not recognized in the initial phase. Get regular checkups to avoid more serious consequences.

7 serious complications of high blood pressure

Narrowing of the blood vessels usually leads to high blood pressure and other complications. High blood pressure is a major cause of cardiovascular disease.

When this is the case, the heart’s pumping capacity increases and the pressure in the vessels increases.

High blood pressure is often referred to as the “silent killer” because in the early stages this clinical picture is symptom-free. Therefore, many sufferers are not even aware of it until more serious complications arise.

Serious changes and serious illnesses can occur over time. For this reason, you will find the 8 most common complications that can result from high blood pressure in today’s post.

1. Heart attack

Heart attack complications

High blood pressure can lead to a heart attack, and consequently even fatal, if the correct measures are not taken.

The arteries calcify and narrow, which severely affects blood transport.

2. Stroke complications

A stroke is the result of a sudden problem with blood flow or bleeding in the brain.

Therefore, patients with high blood pressure are at a much higher risk of having a stroke. 

3. Heart failure

Heart failure complications

Heart failure is when the heart is no longer able to pump blood through the circulation. Because there is a direct connection to increased blood pressure and narrowed, hardened arteries.

People with high blood pressure are particularly at risk of heart failure. Unfortunately, this clinical picture is often fatal.

The following symptoms can occur:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of the limb
  • Bloated stomach
  • sleep disorders
  • Urinary incontinence
  • exhaustion

4. Diabetes

In contrast to other disorders caused by fluctuations in blood pressure, diabetes can also be a cause but also a consequence.

For example, fluctuations in blood sugar affect blood flow and arterial health. High blood pressure can also impair the ability to convert sugar into energy.

Diabetes worsens in patients with high blood pressure because the metabolism and the functions of the pancreas and kidneys are negatively affected.

5. Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis complications

The constantly increased pressure in the vessels can damage the endothelium, which can lead to arteriosclerosis, for example.

The hardening of the arteries can cause blockages and serious disorders, including coronary artery disease.

6. Kidney disease

The job of the kidneys is to filter residues from the blood. In addition to regulating the electrolyte balance and excreting pollutants and fluids in the urine.

However, the functions of this very important organ are  directly affected by increased blood pressure.  When the blood flow is disturbed, the kidneys cannot work properly.

This puts the health of the kidneys at risk. The oxygen supply is reduced and they receive fewer nutrients.

High blood pressure is the leading cause of kidney failure, but kidney disease can also be the cause of high blood pressure.

7. Eye diseases

Woman has eye problems complications

Many cannot imagine how harmful high blood pressure is to eye health. This puts the blood vessels in the retina at risk, which can lead to eye disease.

This can lead to inflammation, but also to loss of visual acuity.

Various drugs used to control blood pressure can reduce the risk of diseases such as fundus hypertonicus (chronic vascular changes in the retina).

Don’t forget to have yourself checked regularly, for example  to detect fluctuations in blood pressure at an early stage.

Therefore take care of your health!

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