7 Rules For Communicating With Manipulative People

You have to learn to protect yourself from manipulative people and not let their behavior run over you. If necessary, it is important to keep your distance to protect your own mental health.

7 rules for communicating with manipulative people

We are all unique and we have different characters and personalities. Here we give you 7 rules for communicating with manipulative people.

In personal relationships, it is important to differentiate between those that are harmful and that limit your being.

Manipulative people try to control your life  and do everything in their power to make you feel inferior.

Even being aware of this, not everyone has the ability  to distance themselves from these manipulative people before the situation gets worse.

In some cases it can take years  in which the manipulated person becomes a victim of their own life,  knows no freedom and is unable to make their own decisions.

Since a lot of people feel like puppets of others, today we would like to  share 7 simple rules with you that enable communication with manipulative people. These strategies were designed by the expert  Preston Ni  .

Communication with manipulative people

1. Remember that you have non-transferable rights


A professional manipulator has the dexterity of trampling on the rights of others in  order to benefit himself.

However, if you are able to demand respect and set boundaries, it will be difficult for these manipulative people to take control.

Don’t forget that you have the following rights:

  • To be respected by others.
  • Express your feelings, ideas and desires.
  • Set priorities.
  • Saying no without feeling guilty.
  • Achieve anything that you paid or fought for.
  • Revealing your opinion, even if it differs from that of others.
  • Protect yourself from physical, moral, and emotional threats.
  • Live your life according to your interpretation of happiness.

2. Distance yourself from manipulative people

Manipulative people are always trying to be in  control and are constantly changing their strategies  to achieve this.

Some are very well behaved and cheerful, but can show aggressive and unsightly reactions.

In some moments they fall into the role of victim,  then they show their boisterous, impetuous side.

If you observe this behavior in someone close to you, you should distance yourself as much as possible.

Most likely, this behavior originated in childhood,  so it is very difficult to correct,  even if you try again and again.

3. Identify the problem

Understand people

One of the best strategies a manipulative person can use is to  identify the weaknesses of their victims in order to play with them.

Don’t be surprised if you feel incapable or even guilty for failing to comply with that person’s requests.

These manipulative characters must first be identified. In addition, you should always be aware that it is not your problem.

Losing control of a situation makes you feel inferior  and needs another person to make decisions.

Analyze the relationship with the manipulative person and find out the problem by answering the following questions:

  • Does this person respect me?
  • Are their expectations and requests justifiable?
  • Is it a balanced relationship? Or does only one benefit from it?
  • Does this relationship affect my self-esteem?

4. Put the person to the test

Confronting the manipulator with questions can help you figure out its weaknesses  and determine if there is any self-criticism or shame. 

  • Do you think what you ask of me is fair?
  • Do you think that’s fair to me?
  • Would you like to hear my opinion on this?
  • Is that a question or an assertion?
  • What do I get in return?
  • Do you really think that I believe what you tell me?

5. Don’t let yourself be pressured


Don’t let someone put pressure on you to make decisions that take time. Indeed, a popular strategy used by manipulators is  to force the victim to respond to requests or act immediately. 

Don’t let yourself be rushed and stay in control of the situation. You can simply answer “I’ll think about it” or say definitely “no”.

6. Learn to say no

One of the most important keys in communicating with others is the ability to say no.

A resounding no is the best way to stay in control  and build a good relationship with the other person.

Remember, you have the right to prioritize and say no if you don’t want something.

7. Defend yourself against ridicule and insults


A manipulative person is always looking for ways to feel better than others and to instill fear or harm in them.

Mockery and insults are a tool that  these individuals use when they feel they are losing control.

In most cases they show their cowardly side when the victim shows character and defends himself.

Under no circumstances can this behavior be justified. You should feel safe and pull the brakes without any remorse!

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