7 Reasons Why You Feel Tired

Did you know that sitting for long periods and getting up late can make you feel tired? If you only sleep and move around for as long as necessary, you can regain your energy

7 reasons why you feel tired

Feeling tired now and then only becomes a problem when this situation becomes chronic. In this case, it is important to find out why you are feeling tired. Then there are possible causes that can trigger constant fatigue. 

7 reasons why you feel tired

1. Getting up late

Getting up late can be the reason you feel tired

Even if most are convinced of the opposite:  When we get up early, we feel much more rested, calmer and more relaxed throughout the day.

A study carried out at the University of Leipzig in 2009 showed that energetic, proactive people usually get up earlier.

On the other hand, a study by the Research Institute of Molecular Biology of the Scientific Academy of Russia, published as Personality and Individual Differences, has shown that there are three different chronotypes.

This means that the internal biological clock must be taken into account, because performance is not optimal for everyone at all times of the day. If you know your natural biological sleep rhythm, you can better adapt your everyday life to it.

2. Bad diet

Too many carbohydrates and too little protein can be one of the reasons you feel tired. Even if products containing flour are delicious and provide quick energy, the body breaks them down in the form of sugar and blood sugar levels rise.

The pancreas then has to produce more insulin in order to lower the blood sugar level again. During these ups and downs in blood sugar levels, the body has to try to regulate itself and therefore needs a lot of energy.

If you eat sweets and white flour on a regular basis, you will often feel tired.

3. Sitting for long periods

Sitting for long periods is one of the reasons you feel tired

Sitting makes you tired! Anyone who sits in the office for a long time or covers long distances by car is therefore quickly tired.

During exercise in the fresh air, sport and physical exertion, on the other hand, happiness hormones are released, which ensure that we sleep better and also improve our general physical health. Even if we feel exhausted afterwards, exercise effectively counteracts feelings of tiredness and makes us more resilient.

4. Too little sunlight

Sun is important for our body and if we soak up some sun in the early hours and in the evening , more vitamin D is produced. Sunlight also contributes to the health of our body.

The quality of sleep improves through exposure to the sun!

5. Insufficient sleep or poor quality sleep

Not getting a good night's sleep is one of the reasons you feel tired

The main causes of exhaustion are, of course, too little sleep or poor quality of sleep, because the body cannot recover properly.

An adult person should sleep between 7 and 8 hours. This allows the brain and other organs to regenerate properly.

6. Mineral or vitamin deficiency

Micronutrients such as minerals and vitamins are essential for the healthy functioning of organs. A lack of nutrients can lead to tiredness and exhaustion. Nausea and other complaints can also occur.

A balanced diet with at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day provides you with all the nutrients you need. Dried fruits and dietary supplements that contain magnesium are also recommended.

7. Stressful situations

Stress can make you feel tired

When we are faced with difficult situations that seem to have no solution, or at least cannot be controlled, we may feel discouraged.

When you have problems or going through difficult situations, you already have an explanation for why you feel tired. Try to relax, control your thoughts, and improve your situation. Stress at work can also make you feel tired a lot.

Give yourself enough time to relax and do things that you enjoy.

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