7 Foods For A Healthy Sodium Balance

In order to regulate the sodium balance in the organism, it is advisable to include certain foods in the diet that promote kidney health and facilitate the elimination of harmful substances. 

7 foods for a healthy sodium balance

Sodium can be found in almost all industrially manufactured foods and finished products. This also includes, for example, commercially available juices and soft drinks. A balanced sodium  balance is important to take care of the kidneys  .

Too much of it can lead to high blood pressure and further complications.  The effects can also be felt in bone or digestive problems, cardiovascular problems, or skin changes.

It is therefore recommended that you limit your sodium consumption,  but that does not mean that you should completely avoid it. 

The key is a balanced sodium balance , which can be achieved through an appropriate diet.

Sodium is very important for cell metabolism, is required for muscle contraction and also promotes a balanced acid-base balance in the organism. But a large part of this mineral is excreted in urine, stool and sweat.

On the one hand it is important  not to take in too much of it, but on the other hand it should not lead to a deficiency either  !

1. Pineapple for a healthy sodium balance

The pineapple has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect  , but it also has other health-promoting properties.  

  • It promotes lymph circulation and is rich in copper and manganese. These two minerals help flush excess sodium out of the body.
  • Other very important active ingredients in pineapple are bromelain and vitamin C, which counteract inflammatory processes caused by the accumulation of sodium in the organism and impairing kidney health.

Always enjoy this exotic fruit fresh. You’d better avoid canned pineapples. Include pineapples in your diet regularly!

2. Oregano for a healthy sodium balance

Oregano for a balanced sodium balance

Oregano is an excellent substitute for salt.

  • As mentioned earlier, sodium can be found everywhere, especially in ready meals, but also in staple foods like bread.
  • One way to balance the salt or sodium in bread is to eat it with a spoonful of olive oil and a little oregano. You will love this combination!
  • This herb, which is widely used in Italian cuisine, also contains beta- caryophyllene (E-BCP). This is an active ingredient that  reduces inflammation and promotes blood circulation. 

    Oregano should therefore be present in every kitchen.

    3. Strawberries for a healthy sodium balance

    Those who regularly eat organically grown strawberries can not only promote kidney health, but also break down uric acid, lower blood pressure and reduce LDL cholesterol levels.

    • But don’t forget to always eat the delicious fruits in their natural form!

    Strawberry jam or packaged juices not only contain added sugar, but also sodium!

    • Like ripe raspberries, ripe strawberries contain a particularly high amount of flavonoids.  However, green or frozen foods, as can often be found in supermarkets, contain smaller quantities.

    During the strawberry season, you can enjoy the fruit with the whole family so that everyone can enjoy the benefits.

    4. Artichokes for a healthy sodium balance

    Artichokes for a healthy sodium balance
    • Artichokes balance blood pressure because they contain important vitamins and very little sodium.
    • With a little oil and lemon juice, these vegetables taste delicious. They also support the liver in its cleansing function and at the same time promote kidney health through their acids, vitamins and enzymes.

    5. Coriander for a healthy sodium balance

    Coriander has a strong dehydrating effect, so it is worth using this spice in soups or salads.

    The taste is intense and gives the dishes a slightly different note. Coriander can be used in a wide variety of dishes to replace salt. 

    Coriander lowers blood pressure and consequently also reduces related complaints, such as headaches or migraines.

    6. Garlic for a healthy sodium balance

    Do you already have garlic salt in your kitchen? If not, consider buying this one or making it yourself.

    This is because it is an excellent spice that can be used to reduce high blood pressure. You can often use it to replace normal table salt.

    Garlic has many medicinal properties and should therefore not be missing in any kitchen. It is antibiotic, reduces blood pressure,  and contains allicin, an enzyme that protects heart and kidney health.

    7. Radishes for a healthy sodium balance

    Radishes for a balanced potassium balance

    Radishes have a distinctive taste. They taste good and do you good, at the same time they have excellent medicinal properties.

    • The small red tubers are particularly common in Indian cuisine. They can help lower blood pressure and should therefore not be missing from your nutrition plan.
    • The secret of radishes lies in the ethyl acetate they contain, an active ingredient that is very beneficial as long as you ingest it naturally.

    It is worth chewing the radishes well and enjoying the intense taste!

    Finally, we would like to mention again  that the point is not to completely ban salt or sodium from the diet. A healthy balance through fresh and natural foods is important!

    Are you going to start taking care of your health today?

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