7 Effects Of Lack Of Sleep

Lack of sleep can have very negative effects on your health and your everyday life!

7 Effects of Lack of Sleep

Since the  effects of lack of  sleep are  negative, it is important that you get high quality, uninterrupted sleep in order to stay in good physical and mental shape That means between seven and eight hours every night.

Over a long period of time, this habit helps you to regenerate enough physical and mental energy. In addition, getting enough sleep  prepares your entire body for a new day.

While you are resting  , your body performs certain functions that cannot be performed at other times of the day. During this time, mechanisms are activated that influence your hormone levels.

Unfortunately, many people have trouble following a healthy sleep schedule. They then suffer during the day from the  consequences that affect their quality of life.

It may be easy to ignore the effects. However  , if you don’t get your sleep disorder under control, your health problems will get worse over time .

Since many people ignore this, in today’s article we want to  list seven negative effects of lack of sleep.

1. High blood pressure

Effects of lack of sleep on blood pressure

The effects of lack of sleep also affect your cardiovascular health.

This problem can  cause blood pressure to rise,  forcing the heart to pump harder.

  • People who sleep less than seven hours a night typically have systolic blood pressure up to 123.  Ideally, it should be below 120.

    2. Cravings

    The effects of lack of  sleep are often also seen in weight gain , which increases leptin levels. This hormone is responsible for regulating appetite.

    Instead of leptin, the hormone ghrelin is produced,  which stimulates you to eat! 

    3. Reduced energy production

    Lack of sleep can affect the way your body produces energy.

    If you don’t get enough sleep, it will also affect your metabolism and you will have less energy available. As a result, your physical and mental performance is lower, you move less and the risk of being overweight is greater.

    But that’s not all: the lack of sleep also plagues you with cravings and you will eat more!

    4. Difficulty concentrating

    As already mentioned, your cognitive performance is also lower and you suffer from difficulty concentrating. In the long term, lack of sleep affects the ability to clear plaque-forming proteins in the brain,  which can lead to chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s.

    5. A weakened immune system

    Lack of sleep can cause the immune system to weaken.

    In addition, the physical fatigue produced by lack of sleep can weaken the immune system, which increases the risk of respiratory disease or inflammation, for example .

    Viruses, bacteria and fungi will then have an easy game!

    6. Stress and irritability

    Your emotional health also suffers from lack of sleep. This leads to more stress and irritability.

    Insufficient sleep leads to lower  serotonin and endorphin production. These hormones make you feel positive. Insufficient sleep produces more adrenaline and cortisol, which lead to negative emotional reactions.

    7. Muscle weakness and other effects of lack of sleep

    Lack of sleep can cause muscle weakness.

    During sleep, your muscles relax and can be regenerated. Growth hormones are also produced during the night. This allows the muscle mass to be built up. However, lack of sleep results in weak, tired muscles. 


    If you don’t get enough sleep, you should avoid the gym and other vigorous physical activity so as not to put too much strain on your body.

    Are you having trouble sleeping? Getting regular sleep, eating a healthy diet, and other healthy habits can improve your sleep. If you can’t do anything with it, you should seek advice from a doctor!

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