7 Basic Food Combinations You Can Eat Every Day

Eating a diet based on alkaline foods can help maintain our bodies and improve our overall health. This is because many pathogens, harmful bacteria and viruses thrive in an acidic environment. Today we will show you 7 basic food combinations that you can include in your daily menu.

7 basic food combinations that you can eat every day

We have all heard a lot about the magical health benefits that alkaline foods can offer us .

Still, you might be wondering whether it is really necessary to take this step and focus on adding more alkaline foods to your eating plan.

As you probably know from your own experience, there is no shortage of fashionable diets and advice from supposed “gurus” who promise you eternal health and well-being if you only follow a certain diet.

However , when it comes to basic foods, there is no doubt about the health benefits.

Why are alkaline foods so important in the diet?

If you want to enjoy better inner balance and a good quality of life, then these foods are a must. If you put more alkaline foods in your shopping cart, then of course you will consume them more often. And that will undoubtedly strengthen your health.

Many of the foods we like to eat every day – possibly in excess – are those that have an acidic effect on our digestive system: sugar, trans fats, dairy products, preservatives, sweeteners, chemical products, etc.

Basic foods, on the other hand, are known to contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that help balance our pH levels.

In addition, they do not cause inflammation, do not contain excessive amounts of calories, and help maintain many of the basic functions of our most important organs.

However, if you are wondering whether it might be a good idea to completely avoid foods that have an acidic effect and instead only consume alkaline foods, then the answer is very clear: a clear “No!”

It’s about keeping a healthy balance. In this case, the ideal ratio is as follows: no more than 30% of the food you eat every day should have an acidic effect, the remaining 70% should be alkaline.

Now that we’ve got that all sorted out, let’s check out 7 great ideas for alkaline food combinations that you can eat 7 days a week

Basic food combinations

basic food - pomegranate

1. Avocados and pomegranates

This combination is great for breakfast. Pomegranates are highly detoxifying, improve cardiovascular health, and are very rich in vitamins (including vitamins A and C) and minerals like magnesium.

In addition, the combination of pomegranate with half an avocado increases the alkaline effect of these two foods even more.

  • Don’t forget that the avocado is one of the most powerful alkaline foods. In addition, avocados not only taste delicious, they are also rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. In addition, one of the main benefits of avocados is that they are a very effective way of fighting acidity in our bodies.

Are you ready to start your day with this powerful and delicious combo?

2. Combine basic foods: blueberries with carrots and dates

Carrots have a slight alkaline effect. While they don’t have the same powerful effects on their own as avocados or lemons, combining them with various forest fruits can give you a fabulous alkalizing agent right away. Combine carrots with one of the following fruits:

  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Currants
  • Elderberries

What are you waiting for? Make yourself a delicious natural juice or just make a carrot salad with any – or all – of these fruits.

If you then add a few more dates, your meal will not only have a slightly sweet note, but also have a higher alkalizing effect.

3. Oatmeal with kiwi

basic foods - oatmeal and kiwi

Have you ever tried oatmeal porridge with kiwi? This combination tastes really delicious! It is an excellent breakfast that is nutritious and very filling. In addition, it has strong alkaline properties.

These two foods are among the most notable among the many alkaline range foods.

  • For example, did you know that kiwifruit contain more vitamin C than oranges?
  • Oatmeal, on the other hand, is without a doubt the queen of cereals. It is a food that is both good for your heart and for your well-being. Therefore, ideally, you should have it on your diet every day.

4. Basic food combinations: watercress, seaweed and asparagus

This combination makes a fantastic addition to any meal or special dinner. It is also an ideal accompaniment to a delicious piece of salmon or a grilled chicken breast.

Watercress, seaweed, and asparagus all help reduce the amount of acid in your body. Because a lot of acid can be harmful.

They also provide you with a large portion of iron and calcium. Not to mention the fact that asparagine , an amino acid found in high concentrations in asparagus, helps maintain your nervous system.

5. Broccoli with lemon and garlic

No idea what to eat tonight? Then you should definitely try this delicious and highly alkaline recipe: Broccoli with Garlic and Lemon.

These three foods help alkalize your body. In addition , they help you excrete the harmful toxins that your body needs to get rid of. In this way, they help your body regain a good internal balance and an appropriate pH value.

The combination of broccoli with lemon, which has powerful antioxidant properties, improves digestion and the elimination of lipids and fats.

Garlic, on the other hand, contains allicin. This acts as a powerful antibiotic and is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that can reduce fluid retention. In addition, garlic has many other excellent properties and benefits.

Trust us: this combination is as tasty as it is healthy.

6. Combine basic foods: lime, lemon, papaya and parsley

basic foods - lemon and parsley

Perhaps this seems like a strange and rather daring idea to you. But when you combine these 4 foods together, they will provide you with excellent health benefits. They perfectly take care of your kidneys, cleanse them and reduce inflammation.

  • Papaya, for example, is considered to be the healthiest laxative there is. This fruit is great for cleaning your colon.
  • Parsley, on the other hand, is your kidneys favorite plant.
  • In addition, lemons and limes are two of the most alkaline fruits that nature has given us. Therefore, you should make sure that these four powerful ingredients are included in your diet to achieve a strong alkalizing effect.

7. Watermelon and cucumber

To make this great combination, you can simply put together a bowl of sliced ​​watermelon and cucumber. Or you can put both in a blender and use them to make a refreshing juice.

No matter what you choose, you should definitely try this natural recipe. There are two basic foods that are not only very high in fiber, but also a lot of water, lycopene, beta-carotene and vitamin C contained.

If you choose the watermelon and cucumber juice, you will surely be delighted with this light and refreshing drink. Once you’ve drunk it, very soon you won’t want to go without it.

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