6 Numbers That You Should Know For The Sake Of Your Health

Although the specialist checks the development of various values ​​that are very important for health, it is still worthwhile to be aware of them yourself and to have certain data at home to monitor.

6 numbers you should know for the sake of your health

You should know certain numbers in order to maintain your health. Today you will find out what exactly it is about.

Sometimes we think we’re fine, not because that’s actually the case, but because our organism adapts to every situation.

But if you do not know certain values, this can mean a risk to your health and well-being.

These numbers are important  because you can use them to prevent disease and avoid complications. You should make a note of these values ​​at your next visit to the doctor!

Numbers that you should know for the sake of your health

1. Blood pressure

The first number you should know for your health is blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure levels  are also known as “silent death”  because initially there are no signs that something is wrong and when the time comes, it is often too late.

You know for sure that when measuring blood pressure, two values ​​are always given that indicate the systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

These values ​​indicate the pressure at which the blood moves in your arteries,  with the ideal combination being 120/80. The lower the better.

If you suffer from high blood pressure values, you should change your diet and consume little salt, but a lot of vegetables. In addition, regular sporting activities are recommended.

2. Cholesterol

Like blood pressure, cholesterol is made up of two different types of data: LDL and HDL. The total should be 200 or less.

LDL is also known as bad cholesterol, the value should be below 100 here.

The good HDL cholesterol should definitely be over 60.

If these two values  change, this can lead to heart problems or a heart attack, for example. You should have your cholesterol checked regularly by a doctor, at least once a year.

If you have poor health or already have heart problems, your doctor will order regular checkups.

3. THS

The third number that you should know relates to the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) level, which is a very good reflection of how the thyroid gland is working.

It is estimated that 1 in 8 people, especially women, will have a thyroid problem at some point in their life.

Symptoms such as fatigue, constant weight changes, and chronic pain may indicate this. If the doctor knows your TSH levels, they can act quickly and reduce symptoms if necessary.

The normal TSH values ​​are between 0.4 and 5.6 milliunits per liter (mU / L). If you suffer from the above symptoms and they are not otherwise caused, the doctor will order an analysis of these values.

4. Blood sugar level

Control sugar levels for health

The fourth number that you should know in order to maintain your health is determined by the hemoglobin test A1C. This is used to determine the sugar level in the blood for the past three months.

There are also other tests that can be used to measure current blood sugar levels.

The values ​​of the A1C test are interpreted as follows:

  • 5.7 or less = good health
  • 5.8 to 6.4 = prediabetes
  • 6.5 or more = diabetes

If your values ​​are in the middle of the field and prediabetes can be recognized, you still have the chance to avoid actual diabetes. Instead of just sitting around, you should exercise regularly and pay attention to a healthy diet!

Prediabetes is an indication that something is wrong.

If you already have diabetes, do not stress or depress yourself. Healthy lifestyle habits can help you improve stats. This takes some time and effort, but it is possible.

If you are overweight, it is very important to lose weight to make it easier to control blood sugar levels.

5. Bone density

This number is used to evaluate the bones. From the age of 30, calcium is no longer stored in the bones, which increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

You must therefore also pay attention to the fifth number in our list to protect your health. The test is very simple. A density between 1 and -1 is recommended. If your levels are below or above, they are not normal according to your age.

Usually, the older you get, the lower this number is. By consuming calcium-rich foods, the value can be more or less controlled.

If the initial assessment shows low values, the test is repeated every year. If you’re still under 30, you can improve bone mineral density by getting enough calcium.

6. waist circumference

Check your waist circumference for your health

The waist circumference goes far beyond aesthetic aspects. It has been established that  an excessively large waist circumference is related to the metabolic syndrome  and can lead to diabetes or heart problems.

The mean value for the waist circumference of a woman is 80, for a man it is about 90 cm.

Is your waist a little bigger? Then sports activities and a change in diet are recommended to reduce fat.

The math doesn’t lie – there is no doubt about it. These numbers are very important for protecting your health. If there is any change, find out what is causing it and do something about it.

You can support the doctor by writing down the values ​​and keeping a register.

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