6 Exercises To Stay Fit Without Equipment Or Weights

To keep yourself fit, it is sufficient to walk for half an hour every day, because this gets the whole body going.

6 exercises to keep fit without equipment or weights

It is not absolutely necessary to go to the fitness center to strengthen the body and stay fit. It is enough to know how to naturally stimulate all parts of the body.

While machines and weights are usually associated with strong muscles,  they are not strictly necessary to  maintain muscle mass.

With simple exercises that can be done at home,  one can create a training plan to achieve the desired figure and muscle strength.

The key lies in consistency and, in addition, in a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits.

In today’s post you will find 6 ways to strengthen your muscles without having to visit the fitness center. Try it!

1. Walking or running make you fit

To run

Running or walking is not only a relaxing activity,  it can also be used to strengthen the muscles of the legs and hips. 

If you walk regularly, you will activate your blood circulation, reduce tension, and at the same time boost your metabolism, making it easier for you to lose weight.

What should be taken into account?

  • Use comfortable clothing and sports shoes. Walk briskly for 15 to 30 minutes each day.

2. Squats

Squats are highly recommended for strong, firm legs and tight buttocks.

This  increases energy consumption and improves posture at the same time!

How are squats done?

  • You stand on the floor with your legs shoulder width apart, make sure you have a straight, upright back and bend your legs at a 90º angle.
  • Now you bring the body down as if you were sitting on a chair. It is important that the knees and ankles are in line. The knees  should not protrude beyond the tips of the toes.
  • Remain in this position for 3 to 5 seconds and then go back to the starting position.
  • Repeat 3 to 4 series of 12 to 15 repetitions each.

3. Push-ups

Fr lieup

If you want to keep fit , push- ups  are excellent for strengthening the muscles of the upper part of the body.

In particular, the arms and back are trained, which support the entire body weight, but other parts of the body also benefit from this exercise.

However, this activity is challenging. However, it can not only  improve physical strength, but also promote balance and coordination.

How is this exercise performed?

  • Lean on a yoga mat with your arms outstretched and shoulder width apart.
  • The legs are closed or only slightly opened and are supported on the tips of the toes. It is important that the back remains straight.
  • Inhale and now bend your arms to bring your torso towards the floor. The lumbar area must not sag!
  • The body does not touch the ground. Then bring the torso back to the starting position.
  • Repeat this movement 8 to 10 times for a total of 3 series.

4. Leg raises

Exercises in which the legs are lifted  are very useful for strengthening the abdomen and buttocks.

Depending on the position, the arms can be trained at the same time.

How is that done?

  • You lie on your back on a yoga mat. Now lift one of the outstretched legs without helping with your back or hands.
  • Then stay in this position for 8 to 10 seconds and take a moment to relax.
  • Then repeat this exercise with the other leg, doing a total of 12 repetitions on each side.
  • In order to strengthen your arms at the same time, you can stretch them forwards or sideways at a 90º angle and lift them.

    5. Isometric abs exercises


    With these exercises  you can keep the muscles in the abdominal and hip area fit  and at the same time increase physical resistance.

    The lumbar area also benefits. In addition, you can use this exercise to prevent injuries to the spine.

    How are isometric abs exercises done?

    • You lie with your back on a yoga mat, your arms are at the sides of your body.
    • Now raise both legs so that your body forms a right angle. Now you bring your legs down very slowly, but without touching the ground.
    • Hold the pose for 8 seconds, then rest for 8 seconds, then repeat from the beginning.
    • Do 4 to 8 reps at the beginning. Once you are better trained, you can increase this number.

    6. Exercise with opposing forces

    It’s an exercise that  uses two opposing forces: contracting and stretching.

    There are many ways to accomplish this. We recommend doing a very simple exercise to start with, leaning against a wall.

    How is this exercise performed?

    • Support both palms on the wall at chest height, then straighten your arms as much as possible.
    • Bend one leg forward, then extend the other backward.
    • You are now using as much force as you can, as if you were trying to move the wall. Remain in this position for 10 to 12 seconds.
    • Do 4 repetitions.

    Are you ready to exercise at home to keep yourself fit? As you can see, these exercises are very simple and you don’t need any equipment or dumbbells.

    Train every day to get  all the benefits, improve your muscle strength and keep your body fit!

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