6 Causes Of Back Pain

Both too little and too much exercise can lead to back pain. You should adapt your activities to your needs and possibilities!

6 causes of back pain

Back pain is usually caused by strained muscles and ligaments or the wear and tear of the spine. Today we’re going to take a closer look at the causes  of back pain .

Anyone can suffer from it, regardless of age. Around two thirds of adults complain of back pain at some point in their lives.

Causes of Back Pain

Most back pain triggers are due to structural  changes in the spine. The wear and tear or overload of the ligaments, muscles, intervertebral discs or vertebrae can have very unpleasant consequences.

Specific factors

There are many reasons for back pain.

There are very specific causes, such as injuries,  poor posture or muscle weakness. Excessive strain can also lead to back pain.

Nonspecific factors

If the causes of back pain cannot be precisely defined, one speaks of unspecific factors.

In this case, the intensity of the pain can vary depending on the posture or position. The symptoms increase with certain activities.

For the correct treatment, different biological, social, structural and also psychological factors must be taken into account.

Risk factors

1. Stress and Depression

Causes of Back Pain: A Woman's Depression

Various studies show that chronic back pain and low back pain are often associated with stress, depression and nervousness.

  • Even if physical causes trigger the pain, it  was found that psychological factors also play a major role,  both in the course of the symptoms and in the treatment.
  • It is therefore advisable to treat yourself to rest when you have back pain and avoid stress as much as possible. Try to incorporate pleasant activities into your everyday life that you enjoy.

2. Age

With advancing age, the body wears out naturally, and  the joints and spine are no exception.

Back pain is therefore more common in older people, especially if they suffer from osteoarthritis or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal).

Younger people, on the other hand, are more likely to suffer from specific pathologies. This is also often the case with a herniated disc or degenerative diseases of the intervertebral discs.

3. Genetics

Causes of back pain can be genetic

There may also be a genetic predisposition, which is often the case especially if the symptoms and complaints appear at a very young age.

Various research studies show that the mutated gene “carbohydrate sulfotransferase 3 (CHST3)” is responsible for a 30% increased risk of lumbar disc degeneration.

These studies also suggest that if a father or mother also has the same problem, there is a 50% chance of suffering from it.

For this reason  , a healthy lifestyle is recommended, in which case vigorous exercise or other heavy physical activities should be avoided. 

If the mentioned gene is present, then under no circumstances should weights be lifted!

4. Occupational Risks

The World Health Organization (WHO) assumes that there is a connection between musculoskeletal complaints and physical exertion in the workplace.

Exertional activities are those that involve carrying heavy loads or handling heavy machinery or tools.

Back pain can also arise if the same movements are repeated over a long period of time 

Injuries caused by one-time overload are usually painful but brief, but  if the overexertion of a certain area of ​​the body takes place over a longer period of time, the symptoms often become chronic.

In this case, when lifting heavy loads or repeating overexertion, you should at  least learn to carry out this work in a way that is easy on your back. Risky activities are better done slowly.

5. Sedentary lifestyle

Causes of back pain: sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle is a growing risk factor for fatal diseases around the world  Of course, this also has a negative impact on the health of the musculoskeletal system.

Exercise can keep muscles, tendons, and bones healthy. Otherwise these biological structures are weakened and  cannot protect and stabilize the spine and joints. 

Muscle weakness increases the risk of pain and chronic discomfort.

It is not always easy to get enough exercise when you are tied to a chair for long hours at work.

But with simple tricks you can bring more movement into your everyday life:  Use the stairs, not the elevator, go to work on foot or by bike, take a break to briefly stretch your feet …

6. Bad posture

Incorrect posture is one of the most common causes of back pain because it means that the body weight is not distributed correctly, which leads to overloading of certain areas.

The back muscles suffer from tension  because the bad posture has to be compensated for.

Your head, shoulders, hips, and ankles should be in line  when standing. When sitting, the feet should be on the floor, the knees should be at right angles and the back should be kept straight and supported by a backrest.

A forward head posture should also be corrected! Try to avoid twisting and bending your back. Persistent flexion leads to tension and pain.

Protect your back and make sure you get enough exercise to avoid discomfort!

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