5 Reasons Why You Are Not Ready To Have Children

Before thinking about having children, you have to ask yourself a series of questions, because motherhood is synonymous with happiness, but also with giving up other things .

5 reasons why you are not ready to have children

In general, sensitive topics like  having children are not discussed with anyone. Mainly because opinions differ completely, taking into account the upbringing, the context, the culture, and even the religion.

In other words, the issue of children affects everyone, but should not be discussed in the same way with everyone. At present there are still people with very rigid attitudes where ethics and morals have an exaggerated effect.

Therefore, each individual must think about it alone and seriously.

If you live in a stable partnership, the exchange of thoughts on the subject of having children is possible in a pleasant and undisturbed conversation; this conversation can be a healthy way to come to an agreement.

A slight dislike of children can also become a big problem. When the person we’re going through life with plans to have a child of their own in the near or distant future.

However, this attitude is not the only reason not to think about having children.

We are going to take this opportunity to introduce you to a number of arguments – profound or not – that indicate that you are not ready to become a mother.

Don’t let it slip away.

Reasons for childlessness

1. You love peace and quiet

Having children

It is clear that all people are different. Despite many similarities  , there will always be a special characteristic that distinguishes them from others.

It is the same with the need for rest. While it is recognized as a whole, it shows up in different ways.

  • If you are one of those people who associate calmness with stillness, it may not be appropriate to have children.
  • Undoubtedly, this argument is very valid and strong. On the other hand, it affirms that having a child who cries all the time is difficult to bear.

In short, peace of mind is non-negotiable, at least in this situation.

2. You like to read

As for reading, rest is one of the basic requirements for practicing it. Hence this argument against having children is closely related to the previous one.

In general, if you like a good book, you look for quiet and pleasant surroundings.

A fundamental example of this is the library, which calls for silence as a strict and universal rule – the more, the better.

In this context, it is very unlikely that a child, especially if it is a baby, will contribute to the necessary silence or tranquility, for example, to read books at will.

If you recognize yourself in this, it may be best to wait.

3. No affinity for children

Having children

As you read this argument, it may seem to you that there are no other compelling reasons to be better off childless.

Seriously – what could be more against it than simply not feeling any sympathy for these little whirlwinds.

This childless argument does not mean hating children: many people simply feel a little intimidated by their presence.

For example, if a family member usually lets you look after their children but you don’t know how to entertain or talk to them. In summary, it can be said that the chemistry is not right.

That can mean having children of your own might not be such a good idea either.

4. Pregnancy and having children cause stress

First of all, we’re talking about other pregnant women, because you’ve never been one yourself. When it comes to other women’s pregnancy , the environment tends to be more sensitive and protective.

If the opposite is the case, however, pregnancies may not be as desirable, let alone having a child.

External rejection can generate some level of fear and worry ; this idea is not very pleasant, so it can be a reason not to have a child.

5. An economically unstable situation

Having children

It can also be that you love children and can see yourself in the role of mother. Or that several children are jumping around the house and are very happy.

However, one thing can affect this beautiful imagination. The economic situation is one of the reasons why many families around the world have difficulties.

If this is not stable it becomes much more difficult to have children, and although there are many exceptions, life is often not easy for them.

With this in mind, it can be said that no matter how desirable a child may be, it is best to have an adequate economic base to raise the child with all that is necessary.

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