4 Possibilities For A Detoxifying Breakfast

Apple and carrot juice contain valuable antioxidants and vitamins. It promotes the health of the liver and thus also general health.

4 options for a detox breakfast

The organism should be freed daily of pollutants that can accumulate due to environmental pollution and various foods. A  detox breakfast might help.

If you feel heavy, full and bloated, this is a clear sign that a cleansing of the organism is necessary. Here we recommend various ways to get rid of the pollutants through a  detoxifying breakfast .

1. A detoxifying breakfast full of vitamins

This breakfast tastes great and is recommended for the whole family:

  • Grapefruit juice
  • Fruit salad made from 4 sliced ​​strawberries, 2 nuts and half a pomegranate
  • Puffed rice biscuit

The grapefruit juice should definitely be freshly made to benefit from all the vitamins and natural antioxidants that help rid the body of harmful substances.

In combination with the strawberries and the pomegranate, the organism is supplied with valuable nutrients that not only have a cleansing effect, but also ensure good general health.

Both grapefruits and strawberries protect liver function and help cleanse the body. Nuts contain valuable minerals and omega-3 fatty acids, which, for example, help lower cholesterol.

The puffed rice is very filling and helps you hold out until lunch.

2. A detox breakfast: Natural fruit juice to protect the liver

apple and carrot juice
  • Carrot and Apple Juice
  • Small oat toast with honey

This choice is very healthy: the combination of carrots and apples provides the organism with valuable vitamins and antioxidants that help in the elimination of harmful substances from the body.

Carrot and apple juice is known as a balm for the liver, especially if you go over the top. The preparation is very simple: wash an apple and two medium-sized carrots well.

It is best to use organic quality so that the shell can also be used without hesitation, because it contains many valuable active ingredients. Process these ingredients into juice in a stand mixer or blender with half a glass of water.

Drink a large glass of it slowly and eat the toast with honey. That’ll do you good.

3. A detox breakfast: Healthy green smoothie

  • Celery apple smoothie
  • Half a pear, cut into pieces with raisins

This breakfast tastes delicious, you have to try it! It is said that 3 celery leaves equals five servings of fruit. Celery has a strong cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect , helps with fat loss and improves blood circulation.

We use two celery leaves and half a green apple for the breakfast smoothie. Process everything into juice in a blender or blender with a glass of water. We recommend a sliced ​​pear with dried grapes, so the breakfast is complete.

4. A detox breakfast with valuable antioxidants

  • Natural orange juice with lemon
  • A cup of grapes
  • Fennel tea

This breakfast is also highly recommended, especially on days when you get up tired and feel full or bloated.

It’s best to start with the freshly squeezed juice of an orange and a lemon. Don’t forget that it should always be natural and fresh in order to reap the benefits of these fruits.

Then you can prepare a cup with grapes, about 12 grapes or 8 – 9, if these are very large, are completely sufficient. Finally, we recommend half a cup of fennel tea.

This helps against flatulence and takes away the feeling of a cumbersome stomach. It promotes the digestive and intestinal functions and also tastes very good. Perfect to end this simple breakfast.

Which breakfast do you like best?

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