4 Causes Of Lower Back Pain And Various Tips To Alleviate It

Regardless of the causes, you should consult a doctor for pain in the lower back and be calm at first. You can alternate between cold and heat treatments.

4 Causes Of Lower Back Pain And Different Tips To Help With It

Lower back pain is very uncomfortable, but many people suffer from it.

Incorrect posture, a bad night, or simply wrong movement can lead to lower back pain , for example .

These occur regardless of age in young and elderly people,  especially those with a lack of exercise, but also in those who do a lot of sport.

We are not always aware of how sensitive the perfect structure of the spine is, which supports and carries us day in and day out.

Vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves, ligaments and joints form a fundamental pillar that enables us to move and to come into contact with the environment.

If you have ever suffered from back pain, you undoubtedly know what we are talking about.

Then you will learn more about the most common causes and what to do about them.

Lower back pain: most common causes


1. Muscle strain

Imagine that you are working while sitting and suddenly you do a quick turn and pull your back muscles in the process.

  • You will immediately feel a sharp pain in the lower back, which then intensifies when you stand up and also radiates to the legs and waist.
  • A muscle strain can be caused by a movement, but also in a resting position,  if you make a sudden movement or if an accident happens.
  • Symptoms can include muscle spasms and complete restriction of movement.
  • If a muscle is pulled, ligaments and tendons can also be affected and swelling in the affected area can occur.

    How can you treat a pulled muscle?

    • The best thing to do is to put an ice pack on immediately after the strain. A little later you can alternate between cold and heat treatments.
    • You should rest for 24 hours. After that,  you can do gentle exercises to regain mobility.
    • It is advisable to apply arnica gel and an ointment with arnica, because this medicinal plant has a strong decongestant effect and can bring relief.

    2. Disc herniation (prolapse)

    Back area

    The intervertebral discs consist of a gelatinous tissue that is located between the vertebral bodies in order to connect them flexibly, to dampen the pressure and to enable certain movements.

    • If a herniated disc is caused by a blow or a wrong movement, it not only causes pain, but also tingling and cramps. In addition, it can be felt that the intervertebral disc protrudes.
    • The pain is then more intense in the morning.
    • Athletes then very often suffer from a herniated disc.

    How can a herniated disc be treated?

    • The doctor must make the appropriate diagnosis. Sometimes the injury can be severe and surgery may be required.
    • In these cases, rehabilitation and the help of a good physical therapist is essential.

    3. Injuries from repetitive movements

    Woman pain

    If you always work in the same position or do significant efforts that put a lot of strain on your back, it will leave its mark over time.

    • Repetitive movements over time cause  the structure of the spine to compress and swelling to appear.
    • Gradually there may be progressive injury and debilitation.

    How can you treat injuries caused by repetitive movements?

    • Massages,
    • Yoga and swimming,
    • Lumbar belt or waist band,
    • adopt a correct posture.

    4. Degenerative joint diseases

    Back pain

    With age, the intervertebral discs become thinner and the joints are also more compressed.

    • The cartilage loses its elasticity and becomes stiffer,  gradually causing osteoarthritis. 
    • Genetic factors, obesity or even previous injuries can cause this disease to progress slowly.

    How can you treat degenerative diseases?

    Know that there is no cure for these degenerative diseases  .  However, one can control symptoms and relieve pain in order to enjoy a better quality of life.

    Note the following tips:

    • Always keep moving: inactivity makes the joints stiff! If you sit for a long time, the intervertebral discs become even more compressed.
    • Go for a walk every day.
    • Certain exercises can help relieve lower back pain. Chi Kung, a Chinese form of movement in which breathing also plays a major role, is highly recommended.
    • Consume foods with anti-inflammatory properties that are rich in omega-3s.
    • Do stretching exercises every morning after you get up.
    • Seek advice from your doctor, he or she may recommend a vitamin supplement with vitamin D and magnesium. These can strengthen bones and joints.

    If you have lower back pain, you should groom yourself appropriately and follow your doctor’s advice.

    We recommend trying different therapies;  pharmacological treatments may also be necessary. Don’t forget to move!

    Also, eat a healthy diet and try to always maintain the correct posture. Taking care of your spine can also promote your well-being.

    Cover picture kindly provided by © wikiHow.com

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