3 Natural Remedies For Allergies

Before you treat yourself, you should definitely have a medical examination, especially if you have other complaints or are taking medication. 

3 natural remedies for allergies

Most common anti-inflammatory and cleansing home remedies are used to relieve the symptoms of allergies. This is a natural way  to combat allergies .

In today’s article, discover three natural remedies that can help you. For this, ingredients such as sage, rosemary, nettle, liquorice, elderberry and healing earth are used. Try these remedies to relieve allergy symptoms. 

Natural remedies for allergies

An allergy is an immunologically induced hypersensitivity to foreign substances, which results in certain symptoms.

The accumulation of pollutants in the body also plays an important role, which is why natural cleansing remedies are used to promote the functions of the liver and kidneys. This  can alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms of an allergy. 

In addition, it is important  to ensure a balanced intestinal flora. Fresh foods and whole grain products, plenty of water and probiotics are very helpful.

1. Tea made from sage, rosemary and nettles

Sage tea for allergies

Our first natural remedy for allergies consists of three medicinal herbs:

  • Sage is particularly used for women’s ailments, but this plant also helps with allergies because it has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also characterized by relaxing, digestive and balancing properties. 
  • Among other things, rosemary works against swelling caused by allergies. This medicinal plant is particularly helpful for problems with the eyes: dry eyes , itching, tears, etc. In addition, rosemary generally stimulates blood circulation.
  • Stinging nettles have a strong cleansing effect and therefore promote the elimination of harmful substances from the body. They also have an antihistamine effect that relieves allergic rhinitis  and improves the quality of life of those affected when taken regularly.

You can make tea from these three medicinal plants, which you  drink every day outside of meals. We recommend that you combine the herbs with each other and alternate them with the other natural remedies that we will then introduce to you.

2. Elderflower and licorice for allergies

Elderflower and licorice against allergies

The combination of elderflower and liquorice, prepared as a tea, is also effective against allergies:

  • For example, elderflower helps relieve itching, nasal congestion, swelling in the throat, cough and redness. This plant is also effective for skin allergies. In this case, it can also be used directly on the skin.
  • Licorice tastes intense and sweet. It is one of the best natural antihistamines that can be used both externally and internally. An old home remedy consists of a bath with licorice, which is said to act like natural cortisone. In addition, this plant promotes the excretion of harmful substances and loosens mucus.

    Note: People  with high blood pressure must take into account that licorice is not beneficial as it can further increase blood pressure. You must therefore first consult your doctor or decide on another remedy for allergies.

    3. Water with clay

    Again, this is an old home remedy for  eliminating harmful substances, which is also helpful against allergies. It also lowers the cholesterol level and alleviates the annoying symptoms of heartburn or gastritis. Because clay protects the stomach.

    When you buy clay, make sure it is safe to take internally! Not all clay can be used for this home remedy. White clay is most commonly used, but it must be free of heavy metals and other toxic substances.

    How is clay taken?


    • 1 teaspoon of white clay (3 g)
    • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


    • Mix the clay well with the water.
    • Do  not use utensils made of metal or plastic,  but made of wood, glass or ceramic.
    • Let the drink sit for 10 minutes.
    • Then drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
    • If you have high blood pressure, don’t drink the leftovers that settle on the bottom of the glass.
    • Drink one glass of this mixture every day for at least a month. You can then take a few weeks off and then repeat the regimen.

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