3 Important Tips To Lose Belly Fat

We have put together the most important tips that you should follow to lose belly fat.

3 Important Tips To Lose Belly Fat

A bacon belly isn’t necessarily what we like about ourselves. Especially not in summer, before you have to show your stomach in public in a bikini. Losing belly fat is not always easy.

We have put together the most important tips that you should follow to lose belly fat .

It is not possible to break down fat in a targeted manner only in a certain part of the body and only to get rid of the unloved fat deposits there.

If you want to get rid of your bacon belly, you can be sure that one or the other gram of fat is too much in other parts of the body – and that will also melt if you hit your bacon on the stomach.

Here we explain to you which three strategies are the most important to lose belly fat and face summer in a bikini!

Bikini figure

Continuity to lose belly fat

There’s no point just paying attention to what you are doing, eating and drinking three days a week to lose your fat. Any weight reduction is only successful if it is integrated into your everyday life.

When it becomes “daily bread” and leads to the new eating and living habits becoming part of your everyday life.

Another advantage of this: your new eating habits and your new behaviors mean that you not only lose your weight, but also keep your new target weight in the long term!

Lightning diets lead to quick success on the scales, because crash diets usually flush out quite a bit of water in a short time and in some cases also reduce muscle mass. In percentage terms, the body is fatter than before after such a quick diet!

So the best diet is actually not a diet, but a change in diet that means that you eat and drink like this every day – for the rest of your life. This will help you lose belly fat.

Exercise should not only be part of your everyday life while you are losing weight, but from now on it should be part of your life forever. Because this is the only way you can not only lose fat, but also prevent you from gaining fat again!

So continuity is important in all building blocks: in nutrition as well as in exercise! Your new diet and behavior must become routine!

Pork belly


The bacon on your stomach didn’t suddenly appear without you knowing the reason for it. An excess of body fat is always the symptom of an imbalance between input (nutrition) and output (actual calorie requirement).

So you have to make sure that input and output align. In order to lose weight, a negative relationship has to be established, i.e. more output than input.

The difficulty here is to still eat all the important nutrients, vitamins and minerals in order not to harm the body with malnutrition or malnutrition. The best thing to do is to seek nutritional advice. Not everyone is the same, not everyone has the same daily routine.

There is seldom any point in “working through” ready-made nutrition programs. The most sensible diet to lose weight is one that just remodels your favorite dishes so they still taste good, but are much healthier.

With less fat, more fiber and more fresh ingredients. In this way you can easily replace your previous diet (which led to the belly of bacon) with the “new” diet, because you do not cook according to diet plans and other people’s recipes.

Instead, you can simply keep cooking what you have always eaten in a healthier way. That belongs in the hands of professionals, so get better advice!



The third pillar of successful weight loss is then – of course – exercise.

Exercise increases the basal metabolic rate, i.e. the calories you actually need to burn per day. However, this only works if you do not lose muscle mass through exercise, but build it up!

Since muscle mass is there to burn fat, you should definitely preserve it. It helps you to maintain the weight even when you have reached your desired weight! So there’s no point in exercising if you don’t do it right.

Get advice here too. Nobody has to suddenly become a top athlete!

If you cannot imagine doing sport on a regular basis in the interests of continuity, simply try to integrate more exercise into your everyday life by climbing stairs, cycling, walking and more!

It is important that you integrate the exercise into your life in the long term and not only do it for a few weeks at maximum performance!

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