2 Recipes With Tofu That You Should Definitely Try!

Have you tried marinated tofu or tofu hamburgers? You and your family are sure to enjoy the recipes that we recommend you today. They are also very healthy!

2 recipes with tofu that you should definitely try!

Tofu, also known as bean curd, originally comes from Asia. It is made from soy milk and is rich in protein, but hardly contains any fat. It is also an excellent source of calcium and vitamins.

This soy product can be used and combined in many ways. Today we have two delicious recipes for you that you can easily cook. Try them out!

Interesting facts about tofu

Tofu is a herbal product made from soy in a similar way to traditional cheese. However, it does not contain lactose and is therefore also suitable for people with lactose intolerance. Since it is of purely vegetable origin, vegetarians and vegans can also benefit from the advantages of this soy product.

Bean curd: pros and cons

  • Although tofu is of vegetable origin, it is still rich in high quality protein. This soy product is characterized by eight essential amino acids. 
  • In addition, it provides essential fatty acids, vitamin E and lecithin, which help  to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • But that’s not all: the bean curd is also rich in calcium (159 mg calcium per 100 g), iron, zinc and other minerals and vitamins.
  • Its isoflavone content, in combination with the calcium and proteins it contains, make this soy  product an excellent means of balancing estrogen levels. The bean curd is therefore especially recommended for menopausal women.
  • On the other hand, tofu is also rich in fiber, but contains few calories.
  • However, it must be taken into account that soy and all products made from it also contain considerable amounts of oxalate. Therefore  , patients with kidney stones should avoid it. 

    Delicious recipes with bean curd

    Marinated tofu

    Marinated tofu
    You can serve this recipe as a starter or prepare other dishes with it.


    • 200 g tofu
    • 1 clove of garlic
    • 4 to 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
    • Oil for deep-frying
    • Flour
    • honey
    • thyme
    • oregano
    • Black pepper
    • salt
    • Sesame seeds


    • First, prepare the marinade for this recipe. To do this, press the clove of garlic and mix it with the extra virgin olive oil. Then add all the spices: thyme, oregano, salt and pepper to taste.
    • Then stir everything well and add the diced tofu. Don’t forget to get rid of the water in the tofu’s packaging before placing it in the marinade. 
    • Then leave the tofu cubes in the marinade for  about four to five hours so that they can soak up the flavor. During this time, keep the marinated tofu in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally so that the cubes are marinated evenly.
    • Then mix the flour and sesame seeds in a plate and roll the tofu cubes in it.
    • Then these are fried in hot oil until they are golden brown.
    • Then place on absorbent paper towels to remove the excess oil. Already  you can serve the marinated tofu cubes or use it for other recipes. 

    Hamburger with tofu: delicious and healthy!

    Hamburger with tofu: delicious and healthy!
    Tofu is the main ingredient of these delicious vegan hamburgers, which you can serve with various side dishes.


    • 250 g tofu (not very soft)
    • 1 egg
    • 1 onion
    • Crumbs
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • Parsley or coriander
    • red chile
    • salt
    • black, ground pepper
    • olive oil


    • First peel the onion and cut it very finely. Then roast in a pan with olive oil until golden brown and set aside.
    • Then finely chop or press the coriander and the garlic cloves. Add the  tofu and stir everything well until you get a homogeneous mass.
    • Then add the onion, the egg, the breadcrumbs and the chile. Season with salt and pepper to taste and stir everything well.
    • Then you form hamburgers of the size you want from this mass.
    • Then roll or bread in flour and fry in olive oil on both sides until cooked.
    • Serve these delicious vegan hamburgers warm with the side dish of your choice. You can of course also serve them in the classic way in hamburger bread. 

      You can easily cook these two recipes with tofu and vary them in many ways. You can also use tofu in the oven, with vegetables, meat, in salads, croquettes or for desserts. Get creative and try different recipes!

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