11 Reasons To Eat Red Cabbage

Red cabbage is particularly rich in vitamins and minerals. That makes him a great ally for our health. In addition, it not only helps to strengthen the immune system but also promotes detoxification of the body

11 reasons to eat red cabbage

Red cabbage, also known as red cabbage or red cabbage, can be found in supermarkets, especially in winter. It comes from the Mediterranean area and was known to the Egyptians as early as 2500 BC. Cultivated.

In contrast to white cabbage, red cabbage contains a special ingredient called anthocyanins. This is a pigment from the flavonoids family. These are powerful antioxidants and are particularly rich in vitamins C and E.

In the following article we will explain why you should definitely eat red cabbage.

1. Red cabbage keeps the eyes healthy


Consuming the nutrient-rich cabbage is especially good for the eyes. Because the vegetables contain large amounts of zeaxanthin and lutein.

These are two natural protective factors against the sun that prevent the sun’s UV rays from penetrating the retina.

2. Red cabbage improves digestion

Red cabbage is known to have amazing digestive effects. Because it supports the body in producing bile acids. This means that problems like indigestion or constipation are prevented. 

Red cabbage juice is also good for treating ulcers. Mostly peptic ulcers.

3. Red cabbage promotes a healthy heart


Another reason to eat red cabbage is the juice made from it. It supports the formation of new red blood cells and eliminates harmful toxins from the body. This leads to a better flow of blood flow.

All you have to do is drink a cup of red cabbage juice and you are consuming 216 milligrams of potassium. This already amounts to 6% of the recommended daily amount.

The red cabbage can help you prevent stress in the heart muscle and strengthen your pumping capacity. This keeps the heart strong for a long time.

4. Red cabbage reduces cholesterol levels

There is another benefit of eating more red cabbage. It has been shown to reduce cholesterol and uric acid thanks to its high content of sulfur. This is also what gives the red cabbage its characteristic taste.

The levels of cholesterol and uric acid in the blood are reduced due to the following factors:

  • The fiber it contains prevents the body from absorbing the cholesterol that is contained in the food consumed.
  • The apolipoprotein LDL, which is found in the liver, is reduced. Because the blood contains less cholesterol that has to be transported.
  • The antioxidants in red cabbage help break down fat tissue by increasing energy expenditure.

5. Red cabbage is an ally against cancer

The large amount of antioxidants that are ingested with the red cabbage help the body fight free radicals from the environment. Free radicals are known to have the ability to cause cancer.

In addition, free radicals are very efficient and can prevent possible cancer cells from growing further.

6. Red cabbage strengthens the immune system


Red cabbage contains particularly large amounts of vitamin C. It helps to strengthen the immune system and keep the body healthy.

On the other hand , the antioxidants in red cabbage help detoxify the body and heal wounds that have developed.

7. Red cabbage can help relieve signs of premature aging

Red cabbage juice contains large amounts of antioxidants and phytochemicals. This includes vitamins C, E and A. These help to supply the skin with sufficient moisture. This keeps it soft and flexible and maintains its natural glow.

Another benefit of consuming red cabbage is that it boosts collagen production. Collagen is used to create bridges between tissues in the body that keep the skin and muscles healthy and strong.

8. Red cabbage has analgesic properties

By and large, red cabbage can be effective in relieving kidney pain, osteoarthritis, or rheumatism. In addition, the red cabbage is also effective in relieving pain and inflammation that occurs during breastfeeding.

The red cabbage also contains calming and pain relieving properties. These help purify the blood and help with insomnia. 

The pain-relieving properties of red cabbage are due to a substance it contains, known as lactopicrin. This ingredient is just as effective as classic pain relievers and expectorants that are used against normal coughs or whooping cough.

To take advantage of these benefits, all you have to do is heat a sheet of red cabbage with an iron and place it on the spot where the pain is or the inflammation is aching.

9. Red cabbage can help with malaria

Malaria, or common fever, is a tropical disease caused by mosquito-borne parasites. It can also be inherited or passed on through transfusions.

The disease also attacks red blood cells and causes:

  • anemia
  • chills
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • Headache
  • Seizures
  • coma

To treat malaria it is essential to consult a doctor first. Still, consuming red cabbage helps combat the effects of the disease. The lactopicrin content supports the organism.

10. Red cabbage can help control diabetes


Eating red cabbage also helps control sugar levels in the body. Because the vegetables contain natural insulin.

In addition, the red vegetables are low in calories and carbohydrates. These help to satisfy hunger without causing weight gain.

It is ideal to eat the red cabbage as an ingredient in salads or green juices, for example. This prevents hunger at the wrong time.

11. Red cabbage leads to healthy and strong bones

Thanks to the high content of vitamin K, the red cabbage becomes a great ally for strong and healthy bones. 

This is caused by the high levels of osteocalcin. This is a specific protein found in the bone matrix. This needs vitamin K for maturation.

Now you already know that it is worth adding red cabbage as a garnish to your meal. Whether you use the vegetable as a tea or as a compress to treat pain. Red cabbage is a great help in maintaining your health for as long as possible. 

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