10 Simple Tips For A Healthy Liver

Both the artichoke and the cooking water of this vegetable are very effective for cleaning the liver and reducing fat cells, which can negatively affect liver functions.

10 simple tips for a healthy liver

The liver is a perfect laboratory. It performs a wide variety of functions that are crucial for our health and well-being. We give you  tips for a healthy liver.

This vital organ eliminates pollutants and old cells, metabolizes lipids, carbohydrates and proteins,  cleanses the blood and stores essential vitamins for a balanced internal household.

As you can see, the liver is a very important organ. But are you doing something to take care of them? What are your habits? Do you pay attention to a healthy diet?

Today we invite you to  incorporate various changes into your daily life if necessary  that will promote the health of your liver. Here are  tips for a healthy liver.

1. Tips for a Healthy Liver: Chicory Root Tea

The chicory root has long been used to cleanse the liver. Their main function is to purify the blood and support the liver.

This natural remedy can,  for example, complement a treatment to dissolve bile duct stones or jaundice.  This tea also helps relieve constipation and relieve headaches.

The chicory root tea is best drunk with breakfast or after main meals.

2. Artichokes

The artichoke is excellent for the care of the liver and liver problems! For example, if you have fatty liver disease, you should consume these vegetables regularly.

This is because fat cells are reduced and the tissue can regenerate, thus preventing the dreaded cirrhosis of the liver.

You can eat boiled artichokes with a little oil or refine the  cooking water in which the artichokes were cooked  with a little lemon juice and drink them. This is an excellent remedy.

3. Tips for a healthy liver: mint and dandelion tea

digestive tea

Global Healing Center magazine   explains that we can think of the liver as an electrical filter in an aquarium. If too many pollutants accumulate in it, the whole water tank will fill up and the fish will become sick.

The same thing happens in the liver, so we need to take care of it to keep it functioning optimally.

One way to do this is to consume 5 g of dandelion and 5 g of mint leaves every day. This breaks down the fat in the liver, stimulates the formation of bile and promotes the elimination of harmful substances. It also improves digestion.

Therefore, do not doubt to use this simple home remedy.

4. Beetroot juice

The beetroot is a tuber with a fresh, earthy taste, full of nutrients that are especially valuable for the liver. It promotes the regeneration and  cleaning of this organ and strengthens it at the same time.

You can make yourself a smoothie 2-3 times a week. Simply mix a glass of water, half an apple and beetroot together and drink. Your body will thank you.

5. Tips for a Healthy Liver: Garlic on an empty stomach


A clove of garlic with a glass of water on an empty stomach causes the organism to get used to discharging harmful substances at the beginning of the day.

This natural antibiotic is rich in allicin and selenium, two essential substances  for nourishing and strengthening the liver. It is worth taking this home remedy regularly!

6. Your liver loves lemons!

The liver needs sufficient vitamin C every day .

It can neither produce nor synthesize it. It is a vitamin that must be taken in through the diet, so it is recommended that you drink lemon juice every day.

With a glass of water it tastes refreshing and is very healthy! Once a week you can not only add lemon juice to the water, but also 3 g baking soda. So you get an excellent base-forming agent that not only cares for the liver, but also improves general health.

7. White tea: one cup a day!

White tea

This traditional, natural drink is packed  with antioxidants, there is more to it than there is in green tea. 

This delicious tea can be bought in health food stores, a well-stocked grocery store or in the pharmacy. Make sure, however, that it is as pure as possible and has a slightly silver color.

White tea cares for the liver and also for general health, you too can benefit from it!

8. Milk thistle – protection for the liver

The milk thistle improves the digestive process and prevents harmful substances from building up in the liver. It promotes drainage and also  stimulates the production of bile. With this medicinal plant, the basic liver functions are then improved.

You can find milk thistle in health food stores and pharmacies as a tea or as capsules.

9. Green vegetables!

Spinach and Celery

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, etc. should not be missing in your diet. Salads with  green leafy vegetables also care for and protect the liver:

  • cress
  • arugula
  • spinach
  • Kraussalat
  • parsley
  • endive

The bitter taste indicates that the foods are good for the liver. This means that it contains plant substances which free the organism from harmful substances.

These vegetables can also be used to regulate cholesterol and hormone levels. They also help metabolize fat and cleanse the blood. Green vegetables should therefore not be missing in the menu!

10. Half an hour of exercise every day!

If you walk or run for half an hour every day, you can optimize the basic functions of the body. The blood is supplied with oxygen, the heart is trained and  the breakdown of fat and pollutants is promoted.

Sweat a little, move your muscles and get your heart going: This keeps your body fit and at the same time promotes the health of your liver.

You can start building these recommendations into your everyday life today.

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