10 Homemade Treatments For Bags And Dark Circles

Did you know that in addition to chamomile, fresh milk is a great way to get rid of bags and dark circles? You can easily use it as an eye compress

10 homemade treatments for bags and dark circles under the eyes

If there is one thing that makes the face look tired and saggy, it is without a doubt bags and dark circles under the eyes.

If you don’t get enough rest and have such visible signs of lack of sleep on your face, or if you just want to do something about this unsightly blemish, check out our recommendations today.

The skin that generally surrounds our eyes (and especially the eyelids) is less thick than the rest of the face. This is mainly due to the fact that there are fewer sebum glands to be found here.

Both of these factors make the skin much more sensitive in this area.

1. Fight dark circles with chamomile toner


Would you like to combat your puffy eyes easily in a quick and natural way? Then there is nothing better than chamomile in the form of a facial toner.

  • This can be easily prepared by adding a few rose petals to the finished tea.
  • Let the mixture cool and store it in the refrigerator. If necessary, apply it to the eyes with a cotton ball. The difference is hard to miss.

2. Almond oil and roses

The combination of pure almond oil and roses is ideal for finally getting rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes. And all of this without going to cosmetic surgery.

  • Macerate dry rose leaves in almond oil for a few days.
  • Then you sieve off the leaves and save the oil.
  • For the application, you simply apply a little oil to a cotton pad and dab your bags under the eyes with it.
  • Let the oil sit for about half an hour.
  • Once the time is up, rinse off the oil with warm water.

3. Cucumber eye mask


A face mask with cucumber, apple and almond oil can be the ideal solution to finally declare war on your dark circles.

You will see how the contour of your eyes begins to shine in a short time.

4. Cream made from shea butter and argan oil

Mix some shea butter with pure argan oil. Stir until you get a smooth cream that you can apply to the bags under your eyes.

This is one of the most effective solutions you can find when you finally want to get rid of the bags under the eyes. So you don’t have to use commercial products where the result is not even guaranteed.

5. Aloe vera against bags under the eyes and dark circles


Aloe vera is one of the best natural products for the skin. Even when it comes to combating bags under the eyes and dark circles under the eyes.

If you have an aloe vera at home, cut off a leaf and remove the gel from inside to finally get rid of your bags under the eyes. It is a natural and very effective application.

6. Chamomile with witch hazel

The anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties of chamomile on the one hand and witch hazel on the other are ideal for finally getting rid of bags under the eyes and puffy eyes.

If you combine both, the effect can be increased. 

  • All you have to do is make a tea from both ingredients.
  • Let the tea cool, dampen a clean cloth, and apply the tea to both eyes with a compress.

7. Face mask with avocado and almond oil


A face mask made from avocado and almond oil provides the skin with plenty of nutrients and puts an end to unaesthetic dark circles.

The ingredients of this face mask are ideal for the skin and represent a great alternative to quickly put an end to bags under the eyes.

8. Face mask with sweet potato

There is nothing better than a sweet potato-based face mask for combating dark circles.

  • The sweet potato is one of the most widely used natural remedies to combat bags under the eyes and dark circles.
  • You can either slice the sweet potato directly or make a face mask from sweet potatoes, cucumber, green tea, and olive oil.

9. With milk against dark circles


Milk is one of those products that everyone has in their home. Using this solution is particularly effective and quick.

  • All you have to do is put compresses soaked in milk on your eyes.
  • It should be noted that the milk is nice and cold. It can be easily applied to the bags under the eyes with a cotton pad
  • This can reduce the dark circles and at the same time feel great relief.

10. Use with shea butter

Another option to consider is using a recipe based on shea butter. It is a “luxury product” that is very effective for demanding facial skin without any additional ingredients.

With this application you can surely achieve spectacular results in a short time!

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