10 Foods Against Nervousness

These foods not only calm the nerves, you can also improve your state of mind with them!

10 foods for nervousness

These nervousness foods  can be of great benefit in calming the nervous system without causing undesirable side effects when the ailments are mild.

If you are repeatedly very nervous, you can seek advice from your doctor and incorporate these  foods into your diet to support nervousness 

Read on to find out  which foods are beneficial to the nervous system  and useful in this very common time evils.

Are you nervous?

Depending on its severity, nervousness can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Racing heart
  • Sweat
  • Tremble
  • Pressure on the chest
  • lack of air
  • Indigestion
  • Muscle tension

These symptoms can increase over time as nervousness or fear becomes your constant companion.

Unless your doctor prescribes specific treatment for you, we recommend adding  these nervousness foods to your diet on a regular basis.

Food for nervousness

1. Cocoa

Food for nervousness: cocoa

Pure cocoa is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates serotonin production. This neurotransmitter is also known as the happiness hormone  because it improves the state of mind. 

  • You can consume up to 20 g of dark chocolate or cocoa in mixed drinks or desserts every day. Keep in mind, however, that cocoa also has stimulating properties.

    2. Oats

    Oats are a super food that provides a lot of energy, but at the same time calms the nerves. This grain provides vitality and balance.

    We recommend that you have oatmeal for breakfast every morning. Oat milk and oat flour are also very versatile.

    3. Brewer’s yeast

    Food for nervousness: brewer's yeast

    Brewer’s yeast is rich in  vitamins, minerals and amino acids that balance the nervous system  and also maintain the health of skin, hair and nails.

    Brewer’s yeast is particularly recommended at the change of seasons or in episodes of increased nervousness.

    4. Salad

    The healing properties of the salad are not very well known. But this vegetable is perfect for calming the nerves and preventing nervous disorders  (e.g. insomnia).

    • You can have cooked lettuce or tea made from lettuce.
    • We recommend organically grown lettuce to avoid the consumption of pesticides, because lettuce is usually heavily contaminated.

    5. Avocado

    Food for nervousness: avocado

    The avocado contains important vitamins of the B group and  stimulates the production of serotonin and dopamine. 

    In addition, this super food is also recommended for general health. The avocado should not be missing in any kitchen!

    • The avocado should always be eaten raw. Use them for salads, creams, sauces or mixed drinks.

    6. onion

    The onion is also characterized by calming properties  because it contains phenolic compounds.

    There are many ways you can use onions. They ensure a good taste in salads, sauces, soups and many other dishes.

    7. Walnut

    This dried fruit contains, among other things, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids,  which have a calming effect on the central nervous system. 

    • In order to benefit from these advantages, it is best to soak the nuts in water 8 hours before consumption, as this can potentiate the effect and facilitate digestion.
    • Then you can eat the nuts alone, or use them in salads, breads, mixed drinks or other recipes.

      8. Almonds

      This dried fruit is also of great use if you are nervous. It contains magnesium and fatty acids as well as  zinc, a mineral that plays a fundamental role in regulating the state of mind. 

      9. Green leafy vegetables

      Food for nervousness: green leafy vegetables

      Green leafy vegetables shine with an abundance of vital substances, including folic acid, which plays an important role in nervousness and depressive mood as well as other nerve ailments.

      You can use it to prepare green smoothies to strengthen the body and provide it with energy to keep you in a good mood all day long.

      10. Banana

      This delicious, nutritious fruit is characterized by  potassium, a mineral that soothes nerves and relieves stress. In addition, potassium is also very important for the muscles.

      One banana a day is perfect for supplying the organism with nutrients and calming the nerves.

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