10 Foods Against Asthma

Apples contain bioflavonoids. These are natural antihistamines that help reduce inflammation of the airways.

10 foods for asthma

Our article today is about how you  can use food for asthma. Asthma is a chronic disease that impedes the breathing system. This ailment can be triggered by various factors.

Although there is no definitive cure for asthma, the disease can still be controlled with various drugs. In addition, certain foods can help relieve symptoms.

Below we recommend 10 foods for asthma

1. Avocado

Avocados are excellent for asthmatics. They are particularly recommended for people who suffer from a nut allergy. Avocado also contains glutathione. It protects the cells from free radicals and also has a strong antioxidant effect.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is a beneficial food for asthma

Recent studies show that the frequent use of broccoli Can help asthmatics  alleviate the annoying symptoms of the disease. 

Broccoli can help prevent inflammation of the airways. Plus, this vegetable helps fight free radicals.

3. Apples as a food for asthma 

Also Apples seem to help mostly with asthma.  Experts think that this is due to the bioflavonoids it contains. These (e.g. quercetin) act like a natural antihistamine and help to alleviate the inflammation of the airways.

4. Bananas

Banana can be used as a food for asthma

Bananas can improve breathing, which is why they are very beneficial for asthmatics.

They contain, among other things, pyrodoxine, better known as vitamin B6. This vitamin helps in the relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles.

5. ginger

Asthma sufferers can also use  ginger  as a food for asthma. According to experts, this has anti-inflammatory agents. 

These active ingredients give ginger its characteristic taste and also  help in the treatment of asthma. 

6. Spinach is healthy all round – and helps with asthma

Spinach is generally healthy

Spinach is generally very healthy. A recent  study also showed that these leafy vegetables can be used to prevent asthma. 

No wonder, since spinach contains a multitude of nutrients and vitamins that are essential for the body.

7. Rosemary

Because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, rosemary is also very beneficial for asthma.

Consuming the aromatic herb can improve breathing by keeping the airways clear.

8. Sunflower seeds are recommended for asthma

Sunflower seeds contain numerous active ingredients.  And they are recommended, among other things, as food against asthma The most important active ingredients of the kernels are:

  • Vitamin E.
  • Potassium and
  • magnesium

Be aware, however, that they can cause allergies. For this reason, you should be careful with this.

9. Mint clears the airways


Mint contains various active ingredients that help keep the airways clear. Because of this, this herb is very valuable to asthmatics.

Mint  is commonly used in medicine to relieve respiratory problems.

10. Vitamin C

Consuming foods rich in vitamin C is an excellent recommendation for asthmatics. It is well known that vitamin C is very healthy for the respiratory system. It also has a strong antiseptic effect.

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