10 Amazing Properties Of Oats And A Recipe For Breakfast

Can oats help prevent type 2 diabetes? Soluble fiber promotes the digestion of starch and stabilizes blood sugar levels.

10 amazing properties of oats and one breakfast recipe

Oats are among the healthiest and best types of grain  and are therefore very popular around the world. But what exactly are the healthy properties of oats? It has a high nutritional value, provides a lot of energy and has therefore become a staple food for many cultures.

Oats contain more protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, and nutrients than any other grain. It’s always available and inexpensive, so we can benefit from the health-promoting properties of oats all year round . 

Then you will learn why this cereal is so healthy.

The amazing properties of oats

It regulates the cholesterol level

Oats contain the fiber beta-glucan,  which has been shown in various studies to be very beneficial against high cholesterol levels. Therefore, eating oatmeal for breakfast every day can help regulate your cholesterol levels.

Good antioxidant

heart woman

The grain also has antioxidant properties and therefore fights free radicals, which are caused by the increased cholesterol level. This also prevents  cardiovascular diseases.

Strengthens the immune system

The beta-glucan in oats improves the immune system’s response to viruses and bacteria that cause infections. One serving a day strengthens the immune system and protects against pathogens. 

Against diabetes

causes diabetes


Regular consumption of oatmeal reduces the likelihood of developing type II diabetes.

In addition, the soluble fiber in this cereal can help diabetics, especially after meals,  by promoting the digestion of starch and consequently stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Aids digestion

Oats improve digestion and are ideal for cleaning the intestinal tract and preventing constipation. In addition, the soluble fiber helps reduce bile acid and its toxic capacity.

It is filling

Properties of oats

Oats have a very filling effect and therefore satisfy the need for food long after breakfast. This is due to the  high content of complex carbohydrates, also known as long chain carbohydrates.

It has an anti-cancer effect

Oats contain lignans and phytoestrogens,  both of which are important substances in the prevention of hormone-related cancers. For this reason, oats are particularly recommended for menopausal women.

Various studies have shown that this  can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.

It helps against asthma

The grain also has an expectorant effect and is particularly helpful for people with coughs and bronchitis. Studies have shown that consuming more whole grains like oats can reduce the risk of asthma in children by up to 50%  .

The study also showed that fish and the fiber found in oats can reduce the risk of asthma in general by up to 50% and the risk of bronchial airway narrowing by up to 80%.

Protect the heart


Oats (and also other types of grain) contain lignans, which are phytohormones that are synthesized by the intestinal flora and protect against various heart diseases.

It has a diuretic effect

Oats also contain silicon, which helps reduce elevated levels of uric acid and increase the volume of urine. Therefore, it is also recommended for gout and other diseases that are associated with fluid retention. 

Breakfast recipe with oats

Oats are very versatile and taste great in a wide variety of recipes. Today we recommend you a simple recipe with which you can start the day healthy and benefit from all the advantages of this grain.


  • ½ cup of ground oats
  • 6 almonds
  • 2 walnuts
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • Honey or stevia
  • 1 teaspoon raisins
  • Coconut or almond milk


  • Put the oats in a bowl, then add the chia seeds.
  • Then mix these ingredients well and fill up with the vegetable milk. However, there must still be space for the remaining ingredients.
  • Stir in the remaining ingredients and then store the mixture in a container with a lid in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning you can add a little plant milk if you like.

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